anthony_o1 Member


  • I disagree, this is a low cal intake but if your are doing weight training and you are eating around 150grams of protein then you shouldn't loose to much muscle mass. Maybe addin and extra 200-250 cal you will see much more results consisting of muscle mass and still be loosing fat at the same time. I would recommend…
  • 40% protein is quite high assuming your not a power lifter even then it's a hard goal to reach, I'm doing it now and am struggling. But if you can reach it props to you but I would recommend going lower and bumping up your fats and carbs until you have a stable and we'll set out diet plan. All the best buddy
  • Oven roasted chicken, lean steak, salmon raw, my top 3. Dose the trick. Also throw in a few protein shakes.
  • How the *kitten* do you work this app