apdurden Member


  • Wow! Thanks all for the incredible information. I'm just a home workout guy who's looking to keep working out from home while maximizing my potential Yes. But I've gained both muscle size and strength. This is my first time actually lifting for any period longer than a month, so I think I've gotten those beginner gains. On…
  • In this case, strength training is: 2x Upper Body sessions (chest, arms, shoulders, back) using my adjustable dumbbells 2x Glutes and Abs using resistance bands & bodyweight I do videos from a lady named Sydney Cummings on YouTube. I haven't been able to do lower body recently due to some left knee pain I've been having.…
  • https://tdeecalculator.net/ Go to that website. Put in your Age, Height, Sex, Current Weight, and Activity Level. This will give you a good estimate of your Maintenance Calories. Basically, how many calories would need to eat to maintain your current weight. Then subtract 500 calories from that for a safe 1lb per week loss
  • You probably also need to lower your daily calorie intake. Your total daily energy expenditure at 189 is going to be lower than when you were at 210.