crossfitknitter Member


  • This. 4 years ago I did the C25k program. I didn't notice hardly any weight loss despite training for all that time because I was still eating the same. I didn't get it at the time, though, so I was mad that I had put in all that work to not see any results (which was a lie, anyway, because I could run when I couldn't…
  • This is pretty much me, too - spend all day sitting in front of a computer. If the weather is nice I'd walk down the street to grab lunch but that's out right now since I'm watching calories. I got a Varidesk last year so now I at least stand part of my work day but my Jawbone UP doesn't track for standing vs sitting.
  • Eh, it's kind of our running joke. I once dragged him to a 5am workout class and he passed out 15 minutes in. Turns out he has low blood pressure, and apparently he doesn't get the good feelings I do - he just feels sick and like he needs to lay down. So now I come home all bubbly and he tells me "you suck" and we just…
  • My 17 month old wants zero to do with a stroller OR a carrier, so I'm with you on finding it hard to make time to exercise. What worked for me in the past was to find a gym class that took place after my kid went to bed, so 7pm or later. Though I'm hardly consistent with going since at that point I just want to go to bed…
  • I'm a half-assed crossfitter - started in the summer last year and rolled my ankle so I had to give it a break, and now with winter I'm struggling to get back into it. But I love it, and the husband kind of hates me for coming home feeling that exercise high when I DO go!