I will go. Check that out now. Thank-you .so it seems I had the low carb almost moderate meat just not the high good fats yay east fix . I hope to. Get better results with how I feel and weight loss soon thank you so much for everything when I had my lunch today I added ovil oil to my veggitables and cooked my salmon with…
[/quote] Low fat is why you are struggling. Nuts, nut butter, olive oil, avocado.....all healthy fats.[/quot] I will Incorporate more of these and see if it helps! Thank you so much I love avacados and all natural unsweetened peanut butter I just hardly ate them because the fats lol guess I should have listened to my body…
Thank you .Very good idea will give this a try. I know I don't drink enough water I will be thirsty and get distracted and forget I was going for some water lol been working hard on more water I take :smile:
Thank you for responding and Yeah I tryed half a dose last night and it helped me go but it did cause some pain and cramping I also felt bloated and my heart rate was higher. Which is how I react to gluten . it says gluten free but I am thinking it is just under 20 parts per million I am not good unless it is under 5-10…
Ohh I didn't know low carb need more fat I Also watch my fat intake and eat only lean meats I do use a lot of olive oil in cooking but I probably only eat about a teaspoon in a day accumulatively and I eat 1/4 cup of almounds or other nuts"raw" or edamane dry roasted other than that I eat small amounts of meat and large an…
young Vinnie Jones? sorry dont know a lot of celebs
What an inspiration you are thank you for sharing this is quite motivating <3 you did such a good job!
How do I add a picture? Sorry .. New
Hey I remember you beard from the beard thread lol
Isn't she though !
I just lost 30 lbs from cutting sugar,potato's,rice,pasta,bread and such I also don't eat corn but I eat tons of veggies and a little meat with every meal and I feel great . I was told to watch my starch and sugar due to diabetes running in the family and the doc says what you do is look how many carbs something has and…
quote="juggernaut1974;35095165"] Eat a light lunch and dinner, get a little extra exercise in today, and move on to tomorrow. You can't undo the past. Just make better choices in the future.[/quote] Love it ! Nice advice
Is line danceing a skilled dancing?
No I ain't smexy-er than any of you Sept maybe the fuzzy shrimp thing I may have it beat haha
Oh just read you meant songs sorry :( I love never gone by coltin Dixon and ma bro said take a listen to the impossible dream by Samuel rayme he thinks that's the guys name :) hope you likey
My. Brother talking about shaving his head if he ever has hair thinning issues while playing fallout 4
beards are awesome and handsome thats why grew one just like husband's
They are also fried at the factory to kinda dry them out and pre cook them for packaging
I thought the dude on the right was holding a vase with flowers hahaha and I have my glasses on before you say anything but I am due for an eye appointment soon ;)
this was a fun read. guess this just goes to show that there are a variety of men with different thoughts feelings and actions just like us ladies have different thoughts ,feelings and actions I can't think of one thing all the women I know do or all the men I know do that is exaclty the same and for the same reason except…
Thank you so much Lisa_Dubh this helped a lot and gave me some great ideas :D
Being an example for my daughter and my wish to be firm instead of flabby does it for me I also love the way I feel at the end especially when I complete a full jullin Michael's riped in 30 session haha only did half today but I am sick with a cold and the more I tried the more my head hurt so I stopped lol guess I just be…
I don't know how this communication works lol but imma give it a go. I need to lose 107 I have lost 30 since August and working hard to lose the rest I gave up sugar ,caffine (allergic),simple Carbs. I found I have Celiac's so that makes it easier to not eat bread and pasta and anything with wheat barley or rye haha but I…