cblanza Member


  • I absolutely love seeing everyone's post in here. You are all helping keep me motivated. I've had a tough time lately (right after this challenge started) due to having a miscarriage. Because of that, I'm really sorry I haven't been good and posting every day on this forum. I've still been committed to 30 min. a day, and…
  • One week complete, and you are all doing AMAZING!!! Let's get ready for Day #8!!
  • Day 1 - COMPLETE! I got my total body cardio fix in, even after a lousy headache! I'm so excited to see everyone's updates for today! Keep up the great work!!
  • That absolutely counts! Staying active for 30 minutes doing whatever is better than 30 minutes doing nothing anyday.
  • Do workout videos or dvd's in your home and have your kids do them with you. Pick something fun for them, too, like a dance video. It will be like Zumba right in your house. There are also workout dvd's and YouTube videos catered specifically to children's interest. You could do those with your children, and it will be…
  • I personally have been using the 21 Day Fix dvd's because of the different exercises every day, and there is a modified version for every exercise so that I can easily follow along. I have to have a variety in my workouts, or I get bored easily. However, there are many free exercises on Youtube made by people like Katrina,…
  • Yay!! I am so glad you all are joining me on this challenge!! I know we will have great results!! Only two more days until we kick it off!
  • I am right there with ya! I already get up EARLY, so morning workouts are out for me. The gym takes too long and outside is too cold - do you see I'm good as making excuses? Ha What I have found works for me is just a 30 min exercise video each day. There are tons on Youtube, and I also have a few programs that I really…
  • I think it would be great to post what activity you did that day for 30 min. as a way of accountability and to encourage all of us!
  • Woohoo! I'm so excited to see our progress at the end of these 30 days!!
  • Welcome to the challenge! I cannot make myself get up at 4:30 to workout in the mornings before work, either. In fact, I'm really sluggish if I try to work out first thing, and I don't feel like I get as much accomplished. For me, it works better to do mine in the afternoons or evening. I am a school teacher, so I usually…
  • Yay, I'm so glad! I struggle with making it to the gym, too, so I hope this will be a motivation!!
  • Healthy Pizza! - make it using 100 calorie English muffins cut in half + organic pizza sauce, Turkey pepperoni, pineapple, onion, bell pepper, (and any other veggie toppings), a little bit of cheese and bake at 350° for 10 minutes. Yum!! It is so filling and doesn't leave you with a guilty feeling. This is my fave when I…
  • I LOVE dance cardio dvd's! It makes working out feel less like work and more like fun!!