talialinn Member


  • First of all, nice work on changing your lifestyle. Keep it up! I am wondering if maybe you are feeling so full now because you have cut our processed fiber-free carbs and have added quite a bit of fiber to your diet all of a sudden. It takes a while for your body to adjust to eating a higher fiber diet. You might feel…
  • Oh, also, organic mukimame (shelled edamame). I get it in the frozen food section at the grocery store. I just roast em in the oven with just a touch of coconut oil and salt and pepper. It's a good snack.
  • I'm a vegetarian, so this may or may not help you: -Lowfat cottage cheese -hard boiled eggs in my salads -protein powders (my fave is Allmax Chocolate Peanut Butter Whey Protein Isolate) -Plain Fage greek yogurt(it's like 22g protein per cup) in lieu of sour cream or mixed with a little almond butter to dip apple slices in…
  • I love you guys!!
  • Yup. Listen to this guy. This is truth.
  • Oh my goodness, I wasn't trying to argue with you. I apologize. I didn't claim my article was peer reviewed. I'm sorry I gave you that impression. I was agreeing with you and just telling you how I operate personally. I wasn't trying to claim the way I operate in forums was the correct way! Your idea to simply put the…
  • I dig this. Good call, however I think there's no harm in reaching out to the community to see if anybody else has had any results using coconut oil. She got you to reply by reaching out, and you gave her some good input, so everyone wins! :smile:
  • Yeah, I understand that! Keep it up girl! :smile:
  • Hey, you have a good point. I could have been more clear in the first place that it was my personal opinion! I didn't think about that, actually, as I operate under the assumption that if a comment in a forum isn't backed up by a link to a researched, peer reviewed article, then the comment is probably mostly opinion. But,…
  • I'm just giving my personal opinion based on my own research and trainings. Any of you who seem to be personally affected by my opinion in a negative way are more than welcome to continue on with your own beliefs. If what you're doing is working for you, be proud of yourselves and keep it up! Either way, we're all in this…
  • I'm sure you thought of this already, but what I would suggest is that you continue your coconut oil coffee and just replace all or most of your cooking oils with coconut oil. This way, you don't feel like you're adding "extra" fats to your diet, you're just replacing boring old oils and butters with super awesome…
  • No problem! Thanks for posting such an interesting question! My boyfriend does the same thing too. Right now I'm trying out a low-sugar, high-fat, medium-carbs type macro plan and he's like, "babe, there aren't sugars in vegetables, why do you have to track those?" Hahahahaha, yes there are sugars in veggies, silly…
  • Of course! I still want to make sure I don't go over my calorie goal. My point was, and I'm sorry I didn't make myself very clear, is that OF COURSE the amount of calories you consume is important, but equally, if not more important is what those calories consist of. My favorite example is fiber. Our bodies don't have…
  • Yes, coconut oil can potentially be used as a weight loss aid. The medium chain triglyceride fats (MCTs) in coconut oil are not stored as fat in the body, but are recognized as a fuel source instead. Hello thermogenesis! Here, don't just take my word for it:…
  • Bahahahaha :) Nice. Wait, this was tongue in cheek, right?
  • HI doll. First of all, congrats on taking the steps to better yourself. I think it takes a lot more motivation and/or courage to vow to put yourself first than many people think. Also, there's no perfect formula for macros that works for everyone, so if at first you don't succeed, experiment with different fat/protein/carb…
  • Agreed. You're totally fine. Keep up your run, girl! If it's supposedly a problem, then it's on them for being so passive about it. If I were you, I wouldn't worry and/or care. Get your workout on! :)
  • That's a pretty cool bit about carrot juice and pregnancy! Thanks!
  • Yes, thank you :) I was thinking if you were trying to get more nutrients and vitamins into your diet, you might want to do a green juice. 4-6 oz. of a good quality juice with no additives can give you a quick vitamin and mineral boost without overloading you with too much sugar. Those naked juices and otherwise, usually…
  • Nice! Thanks :)
  • I just would like to inform you guys for your benefit, that B12 is a water soluble vitamin and does not store in your body. Your body uses it as soon as it gets it and any that it cannot use immediately gets flushed out of the body through the urine.
  • Just a few foods you could incorporate if you don't like taking multivitamins and/or want to increase protein intake: Quinoa Hard boiled eggs Full fat cottage cheese Almond milk Cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts Avocado Dark leafy green veggies Beets Whole oats Squash Seitan Organic…
  • Yeah, I agree with FunkyTobias. The "sweet potato half hour before" advice is not necessary. Your body isn't even going to break down and distribute the sugars from your sweet potato into your muscle in the half hour before your workout, which totally defeats the purpose. Also, if you workout that soon after eating…
  • Yesss!! So many beans :)
  • With all due respect, yes, for weight loss, you can eat processed food and lose weight, but you shouldn't. Your body creates new cells out of the nutrients it receives from the foods you put in your body, so you are literally made out of what you eat. Do you really want to be made out of processed garbage "food-products"?…
  • I have been a vegetarian for 10 years and it gets better. I take digestive enzymes and probiotics, which help digestion and keep my gut flora in a positive balance; this seems to help reduce bloating. Your body is just adjusting to your increased fiber intake from all those veggies. Dr.s best enzymes or enzymedica enzymes…
  • NO, absolutely not! They are sugar, sugar, sugar, regardless of where that sugar is coming from, it will still spike your blood sugar levels. No, just stay away from processed, bottled juice, unless it is cold-pressed, unpasteurized and organic with no added sugars, and even then only allow yourself like 4-6 ounces a day.
  • Exactly what Ellivort said. Also, this isn't The Biggest Loser, this is real life. It will sometimes take 4-5 weeks for you to notice visible results. Also, you're not eating enough calories. Despite what the popular opinion is, you need to nourish your body more on workout days to lose weight. At 1200 calories a day, if…
  • First of all, you need some daily mantras you say to yourself to keep you positive. You are worth being taken care of. You deserve to be loved by you and others. You're here, so you want this cycle to stop, but why? Maybe you can make a vision board? Get a piece of posterboard or a corkboard and put up motivating phrase or…