1run2017 Member


  • Thank you so much for the advice. I really want to work on fixing my eating habits- the past two weeks alone I started eating a little more and my 1600 went down by about a minute. Ill definitely start paying attention to protein more. I honestly struggle to find the time to prepare food and I'm not good about planning; I…
  • I'm probably not getting enough protein, partially because I hear lots of conflicting information on how much I need. I eat oatmeal every morning, lots of fruit/vegetables, probably a serving of nuts/nut butters a day, some rice and other grains, though not much honestly, and some, but again probably not as much as I…
  • I do abs/pliometrics/weights at least once or twice a week. I'm measuring by the fact that I can clearly see in the mirror that I have more fat and less muscle than I should. It's gotten a little better- I've got a bit more muscle and I've been eating more (though I haven't gained weight) but it's very modest.