msjholmer Member


  • Day 4 went well. I stayed within my calories and got out for a good walk. The heat is really oppressive this time of year and I find myself retreating inside. I try to tell people that our summer is like your winter, you can't really go outside for more than 30 minutes at a time without risk of heat stroke. I have been…
  • I'm 39, married and mother to two dogs and a cat. I'm the primary caregiver to my husband who has a spinal cord injury and in a wheelchair. I also work for a specialty grocer as a Foodie. At home I love to garden, cooking, preserve, can, and ferment. My whole world is food basically I just need to make the right choices. I…
  • Hi! Day 2 for me and I feel like I'm doing well so far. I stayed at a deficit with is great. I did not have a chance to get all my steps in today because it is hotter than the surface of the sun here in Austin. But tomorrow I will get my steps in because I work indoors walking all day. Hope everyone else is having a good…