shelshel77 Member


  • for me right now- family, work, sleep. I work in fitness when I can- like when I don't have an afterschool meeting, PTA, or church. I am a teacher and single mom so fitness is really hard to fit in. Sometimes I walk the playground at recess just to get steps in or park far away from the store so I have to walk. It's the…
  • I am six months away from 40- it is definitely harder to lose weight than it was four years ago. My metabolism has slowed down dramatically and I don't take artificial hormones at all so that doesn't help. I have a hormonal imbalance already which slowed things down and now age is rearing it's ugly head. I eat 1200…
  • You can friend me. I am 39 - almost 40 with a slow metabolism. I have lost weight before and then gained it back due to a traumatic situation in my life. I am losing it again- lost 15 lbs so far. I would love to help you. I have about 40 pounds to go. I just went to size 14 from a 16 and it took me six weeks. Four years…