Any 40 year Olds out there?

I have lost and gained 50 pounds twice. I am not at my heaviest or my unheathliest but I am NOT were I want to be.
I am a 40 year old female that works 13 hour shifts full time as a nurse. I have 4 children from college on down to 6 years old.
I need more people that have noticed that losing any weight isuch harder when you are older.
I have been working/running for 6 weeks, no diet and haven't lost a pound. I just started dieting and tracking again.
Oh yea I am 5 ft 6 in and 209 lbs


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm 48. You will def have to run a calorie deficit to lose weight.... no fun I know.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    Does almost 40 count? I'm 39 but will turn 40 in November. I have noticed that it's harder for me to lose weight now than it was 4-5 years ago.
  • shelshel77
    shelshel77 Posts: 4 Member
    I am six months away from 40- it is definitely harder to lose weight than it was four years ago. My metabolism has slowed down dramatically and I don't take artificial hormones at all so that doesn't help. I have a hormonal imbalance already which slowed things down and now age is rearing it's ugly head. I eat 1200 calories a day and workout all the time. I lose one pound a week if I'm lucky. I think I might have to do some sort of cleanse to shock my system.
  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    I'm 47 and started May 2015 at 224. I'm currently fluctuating between 154-157. It is totally a struggle. I have a full time job and a part time job, I usually work 6 or 7 days a week.I log all my food and walk every day. I try to get to the gym 1 or 2 times a week to lift.
  • Kmywalker3
    Kmywalker3 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a 42 year old Mom of a 7 year old and a 5 year old. I'm also a teacher. I've struggled with my weight since I was a child and I'm definitely a stress eater! I would love to encourage and be encouraged!

    SW: 224
    CW: 198.6
    GW: 135
  • I am 40.
  • annoid11
    annoid11 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 44---inconsistent with healthier foods--exercise regularly.
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    I'll be 40 in February and have my birthday in min for motivation, I really want to hit that day feeling healthy and being lighter than I am now, even though I don't realistically expect to drop all forty lbs by then.

    Likeyou I've lost 30-40 a couple of times in the past, but not more than 20 now for close to eight years. It's harder for sure but feels like the clock is ticking. When I look at people who are in their fifties and sixties it's like they were at a crossroads at around forty and those who were healthy still look and feel pretty good at sixty but the ones who didn't take care of themselves really start going downhill after forty.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I'm 46. I have not found losing weight any harder. If anything it is easier than it was when I was younger. Not saying it is fast but it isn't really that hard. Once I quit buying into all of the nonsense and BS that is being thrown around out there about weight loss, the fad diets and pseudoscience, and just started paying attention to how much I actually eat vs how much my body really does need for day to day function.

    I am also menopausal. Not finding that to be a hinderance either.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    44 here
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    I think after 40, we need to stop all the cardio and eating processed foods, and replace that with greener foods and HIIT ifwe are going to be successful and keep it off. I think women diet too much and workout incorrectly. I think weight training is the key.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    edited September 2016
    I think after 40, we need to stop all the cardio and eating processed foods, and replace that with greener foods and HIIT ifwe are going to be successful and keep it off. I think women diet too much and workout incorrectly. I think weight training is the key.

    Can someone confirm this? why stop cardio ?

    I'm 41 btw
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm 42. Try excellent nutrition in a slight calorie deficit, and lifting weights.... a little cardio (HIIT is best), but concentrate on building muscle. I would like to add that when I was 39 years old, I weighed 250. I'm now 145 and in better shape than i was in my 20's...
  • oceandaisies
    oceandaisies Posts: 47 Member
    I am 40. I am also a nurse and work 12 hour + shifts.

    I honestly have never tried to lose weight before now. I gained weight over the last 20ish years and finally decided this year that it was time to get healthy! I have lost 25 lbs since June 1st by eating at a deficit with the occasional day of splurging. I have been increasing my physical activity - walking, calisthenics, yoga, gardening (lots as we have a 1/2 acre garden). I am being careful with building up my strength as I have a chronic back problem with daily pain that I do not want to aggravate. I have found yoga to be very helpful at stretching things out in my back. I just requested a book at my library on women and weight lifting. I am looking forward to it and starting a weight lifting regime of some sort at home, there are no gyms near me as I live in the middle of nowhere :)

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Just turned 40 in July. Losing weight is harder yes! In my youth I would simply eat slightly less for a week and off if would come... not such luck anymore!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I think after 40, we need to stop all the cardio and eating processed foods, and replace that with greener foods and HIIT ifwe are going to be successful and keep it off. I think women diet too much and workout incorrectly. I think weight training is the key.
    What's wrong with cardio. Would weight training help me run for the train without me feeling I am going to keel over
    What do you mean by working out incorrectly. So many people don't even bother to work out at all so surely some type of movement is better than none
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    45 here. Started in my 40's. I think if you stick to it and keep the process simple age doesn't get in the way. Once you lose weight need to still stay focused otherwise it just all goes back on. This applies to all ages