LoGeThA Member


  • Thanks a lot expatmommy79 and scfarrant for answering :smile: . Hmm, when I exercise at home, I do it in the morning, before I eat anything. Is this bad? Honestly, for me, these are pretty intense exercises since I used to have a very sedentary life but I love them, and if I eat before I feel like puking during the…
  • Hi! My name is Denisa, I am 26 years old and I've struggled since childhood with binge eating and seasons of bulimia tendencies (binge eating and then purging) due to depression and anxiety. Right now I am either binging or restricting too much. The good news- I haven't binged in 4 days, which is great for me :smiley: I…
  • Since I got my first period, I have awful pains not only in my stomach but also in my feet, back, breasts. They last 2-3 days :disappointed: . Not all the day, but sometimes a big part of it. I started kickbox and of course there are intense exercises...and I am thinking...what should I do when my menstruation kicks in?…