Day_knee Member


  • WooHoo!!!! Way to go! Definitely inspiring :)
  • Don't weight every day! Problem solved. Weight once a week on the same day around the same time, naked, before eating. Weighing every single day is for the strong of Some people like doing it. Some don't. Apparently you're not one of the ones who should be doing it every single day.
  • Why are you taking this garbage? If you are trying to lose weight...calories in vs calories out. This stuff is the devil. I took it about 20 years ago. Losing weight is as simple as calories in vs calories out! Period! Stop taking this crap!
  • Don't do it! CICO ( Calories in vs Calories Out). This is all that is needed to lose weight. There is no magic pill, no magic way to lose weight other than this! It took me 25 years to figure this out. Once my brain caught up to the actual science of weight loss and actually understood and "got it", I jumped in and started…
  • I have wine often, I eat lemon cookies every day for a snack (my favorite) and I have been consistently loosing weight every week. I just make sure it fits into my calorie allotment for the day. I eat what I want but it MUST fit into my calories. That is the key. If I want something I typically eat it if I have the…
  • I don't cheat. I don't like the word cheating when it comes to a healthy way of life. I am not one to talk as I am still over weight..however I have been logging for 75 days and I have lost almost 13/14 pounds. I stick to my weighing of my foods and I eat what I want as long as it fits into my daily allowance of 1350…
  • haha YES! People ask me if I ate one of my trigger foods too! I avoid my trigger foods no matter what but it isn't always triggered by those foods either. It's really a catch 22 in terms of eating. People don't understand it unless they have it. Not all people, but the majority really do think it's all in our heads..yeah I…
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee April 2016
  • Oh my gosh! no..I was not referring or even talking about you lol I am so sorry if it came off that way. I was speaking more general when i said that. I didn't think you said anything like that. I was just saying that there are so many people who don't understand why I cannot work or why I cannot go a lot of places.…
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee April 2016
  • Yeah...been there done that. I am glad it works for a lot of people. I wish it worked for me.
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee March 2016
  • Yes! I feel your pain. I know where every single bathroom is when I go out. When the pain hits..that pain that you know what's is just like's terrible. I am a generally calm person with no anxiety issues....however..when I get a flare up...anxiety naturally occurs. It is hard when people don't…
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee March 2016
  • You are right IBS doesn't cause scar tissue I should have been more clear. The scar tissue I have is from multiple surgeries..hysto but only having my uterus removed, then later having ovaries and cervix removed (about 3 years ago). I had endometriosis pretty bad and had so much scar tissue. The last two surgeries were…
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee March 2016
  • Sadly, for me nothing has changed. My IBS is not stress related although my stress level rises when I get sick/have an attack. I am on two different medications that are supposed to help...and while they do mildly help...they certainly have not helped to the point that I am symptom free. I don't think I ever will be. I…
    in IBS Comment by Day_knee March 2016
  • I swear by Fage 2%. For me, I love Greek yogurt but I also love that it gives me 20g of protein per 6oz container. I usually eat it either before I hop on my treadmill or after. It's great for the days that I don't intake enough protein. They also have fruit ones, but I tend to stay away from those as they have more sugar…
  • well..the entry says the serving is 2 and it shows up on my food as 120. It says 60 calories each but you probably thought my serving size meant that 2 eggs = 60 calories, when in my food diary the 2 is the actual serving at 60 calories each. I promise when I have 2 eggs it is always 120 calories for the serving of 2
  • Thank you again everyone who commented and have given me advice and amazing quotes to really take in and live by. I am probably like most people who start this journey...wanting it all now! I am going to make some minor changes in my food weighing with my new digital scale and hope to tighten up my calorie logging and…
  • I just did what was on the egg crate package. It said Kroger brand medium eggs each egg is 60 calories. But what I did was I bought a digital scale through amazon this morning and I am going to start weighing more foods. I have a scale but it's not digital. I think that will help and I will research the calories for the…
  • haha so true! The diet things I see and think WOW...I want that. I even went as far as doing HCG injections for 6 weeks. yes I lost 29 pounds in one month...however....I gained it all back and then some. I am so mad at myself for doing that stupid HCG gimmick. I figure I quite smoking after 25 years 2 and a half years ago…
  • haha thanks! I do have a scale but it isn't digital. Amazon here I come. I am going to buy a digital scale right now!!
  • Hard lesson to learn to be sure.
  • I have one. I will be more diligent about weighing my food! even bread!
  • I am one who will definitely make myself nuts over all the stupid weight loss things I see all over the place. It makes it more confusing for someone like me who has never attempted this before, to really get a good understanding. I have learned that CICO is the way to go. I panicked when I didn't see the scale move. I…
  • Thank you everyone for your advice! I feel a bit less frustrated. after my post I hoped on my treadmill and walked 1.7 miles in 33 minutes at 3.2 mph. I suppose in 4/5 weeks its actually a 1pound loss a week and that is good. I guess I just felt discouraged because that first 4 pounds lost was in the first week. I am…
  • I got the bread calories and slices from the actual bread loaf. It says its 120 or 130 for two slices. I don't remember exactly as I am not in the kitchen. Perhaps I just not eat bread? or just make a half sandwich instead of a whole? I weigh all other foods like my meat or potatos and even veggies. The cereal box says its…
  • I don't know if there IS one necessarily...its mostly me seeing others do so much more. A woman on my friends list said she lost 6 pounds this week. I think I am just worried I am not doing something right. I have not exercised like this ever before in my life...I have no real understanding of how to lose weight so I tried…
  • what do you mean by hold on? like the handle bars? No, holding on feels a bit awkward for me. Am I supposed to hold on to them? forgive my ...dumbness but I have honestly never really exercised before. I just get on and walk like I would down the street.
  • Diagnosed with IBS-D. I don't know why anyone calls it a "functional disease"! I so canNOT function. I have not worked in so long. I have a Masters degree and I can't even work in the field that I spent so much time studying. 2 weeks ago my GI took a stool sample and called me 24 hours after the lab received it and said…
  • wow great! thank you for sharing all of that with me. I appreciate it so much. I am anxious to see how things go on 1200 but I will definitely up it if I feel any adverse affects. I feel fine and I don't feel tired or crabby or anything. I feel like I am actually eating quit a bit if you can believe that. I will for sure…
  • Thanks for the great advice! I am still learning all this and learning what it means to consume my exercise calories or a percentage of them. That is something I didn't know ...I saw others talking about that but I didn't know what that meant. Makes sense I hate having to learn new things and losing weight is the ONE thing…