Replies: @18amasarikova Great statistics! I like how you included the scientific effects of sleep deprivation. @18nrahmat I loved hearing how many hours pro athletes need for sleep!
Yes! Receiving enough sleep every night is necessary for optimum performance in all aspects of your daily routine, especially fitness training. According to orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist David Geier, "good sleep can improve speed, accuracy, and reaction time in athletes." Additionally, a study conducted…
@18sblomquist (reply #2) It was interesting to learn about water's effects on blood pressure.
Staying hydrated has a plethora of benefits, as our entire body relies on it for sustenance. It nourishes skin-our largest organ- and helps to regulate body temperature through sweat. It can aid in appetite management and higher metabolism which in turn lead to weight loss. Muscle efficiency increases as water is used to…
From prior knowledge, I know that prolonged abuse of steroids as supplements is an unhealthy way of gaining muscle mass. According to the National Institute on drug abuse, anabolic steroids have been linked to severe acne, kidney and liver failure, and further negative affects to the brain and sex organs. A gradual…
1. The Grapefruit Diet Followers of the "Grapefruit Diet" focus all of their meals around grapefruit or grapefruit juice. This fad is based on a false claim that grapefruits contain fat-burning enzymes; dieters will supposedly lose 10 or more pounds in as little as 12 days. In fact, this weight loss is a result of minimal…
Comments: "(60-70% = weight loss and endurance; 70-80% = weight management and improving cardiovascular abilities; 80+% = interval training for more intense results). " @18sblomquist It was interesting to see how the differing percentages correspond with various effects on your body-nice addition! "Something to keep in…
My target heart rate is between 101 and 142 bpm. To calculate your target training heart rate, first subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. Multiply that number by 0.5 and 0.7 for your target heart rate zone for moderately intense physical activity and by 0.7 and 0.85 for vigorous physical activity.…
Interval training consists of alternating periods of intense exercise and light exercise. This form of training is valuable to anyone who wants to burn more calories than they would with their regular workout routine. It increases your aerobic capacity and makes working out a bit more interesting. After learning about the…
Your goals, motivation and logic behind why you want to be fit are really inspiring. I can relate to feeling lazy and having a tendency to make excuses not to exercise. Hopefully we'll both improve our fitness a lot this semester. :smile:
Your goals really line up with what I'm aiming towards; maybe our workouts will be similar! I really like your idea of teaming up with friends as you all can motivate each other to stay healthy.
1) I want to develop a habit of exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition to the physical strength I need to develop, I also have to improve my mental strength (ex. to stick to a workout or choose healthier foods). I hope that through this class I will learn ways to work out that I enjoy and to improve my…