clairemarice Member


  • Hi! This thread is so motivating. I want to lose 30-35 by the end of summer.. I'm avoiding all sugar and most carbs, but alcohol is almost always my downfall... Have to get over that! Somehow. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey! Going to add you guys too :) I'm trying to take off 30-35 lbs and would love some buddies who are going through the same thing! i've always been a bit chubby, but i'm currently the heaviest i've ever been. Starting is always easy for me, but after a few weeks i start to slide... No sliding this time! I hope.
  • Hi! I'm also returning and looking for a small group of friends to motivate each other and be accountable. I'm also recently out of a relationship, and i yo-yo between wanting to work out in a rage and party/eat all night. I need to lose about 30 lbs, and am trying to limit my urge to drink and snack but it's not easy.…