Returning and ready!

This past year, I have bounced in and out of MFP mode a few times, but ..... if I keep trying, I know my commitment will stick and I'll be in the right place in my head to do this for longer than two weeks. Looking for friends to support me - hoping your great progress will be contagious!
I'm a single parent. I work too much. I drink too much coffee. Just ended a relationship and hope to spend my newly acquired free time doing something positive instead of dunking french fries into ice cream.


  • clairemarice
    clairemarice Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm also returning and looking for a small group of friends to motivate each other and be accountable. I'm also recently out of a relationship, and i yo-yo between wanting to work out in a rage and party/eat all night. I need to lose about 30 lbs, and am trying to limit my urge to drink and snack but it's not easy. Have to keep reminding myself that being productive will keep me in a good mood far longer than wine or fries will :)