chrissywebb282016 Member


  • I agree I look good at 204.4 I'm back in size 16 which I have not been in 8 years after having my first son . my idea weight for 5" 2" is 130 to 160 I think not I love being a thick girl
  • Thanks very much I want to keep losing weight so I keep being the smallest of my family and not have any of their health issues they have
  • My goal is mainly lose my belly area and to be under 200 lbs when I started this battle back in sept 29 2014 I was 212 and last I weighted in I was 204.8 so have lost a lot but I have yet to see anything to really help . I have some support at home but not a lot like I feel I need . I really want to be 190 but not big on…