I Need Help

I'm back I was Chrissywebb28 well I accidentally forgot to log out at library and it got deleted I'm back and need major help hope to get friends to support me and motivate me please I'm failure bad


  • schughes48
    schughes48 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello, please add me. I can be a good motivator
  • drdavis1234
    drdavis1234 Posts: 7 Member
    What are your goals.?
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    What's the problem? You're NOT a failure, life gets in the way and things happen but you're back, good for you!
  • chrissywebb282016
    My goal is mainly lose my belly area and to be under 200 lbs when I started this battle back in sept 29 2014 I was 212 and last I weighted in I was 204.8 so have lost a lot but I have yet to see anything to really help . I have some support at home but not a lot like I feel I need . I really want to be 190 but not big on excerise tho but I eat healthy most of the time .
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    My goal is mainly lose my belly area and to be under 200 lbs when I started this battle back in sept 29 2014 I was 212 and last I weighted in I was 204.8 so have lost a lot but I have yet to see anything to really help . I have some support at home but not a lot like I feel I need . I really want to be 190 but not big on excerise tho but I eat healthy most of the time .

    If you're not big on exercise, don't worry about it. It's good for a lot of things, but not needed for weight loss! I lost almost all of my weight with just watching my calories in because I had trouble exercising. I eventually added walking (though i slacked off when the weather turned, need to pick it back up!) because it was helping my asthma, but since my calories are counted without exercise, all it did in that regard was give me more calories to eat on those days. So if you don't want to exercise, focus on calories in for now. When you can add some kind of exercise, even just a short walk, add it in when you feel comfortable with it. ^_^

    And your best support is going to be yourself. External motivation and support is nice and helpful, but not consistent. Take a good honest look at why YOU want to lose weight, and make that your motivation. That way, you don't need constant external validation to keep going, you'll want to keep going because YOU want to. That makes a huge difference!
  • chrissywebb282016
    Thanks very much I want to keep losing weight so I keep being the smallest of my family and not have any of their health issues they have