jaymich001 Member


  • There are so many different flavors of kombucha now. I had a root beer flavor that was really good.
  • Yea I can't afford $3 +/- per bottle either. After buying a couple bottles and noticed how much a few bottles cost I bought a bottle of original GT's and grew my own. I searched for studies on kombucha & weight loss but no official studies have been done to verify. There were a few that said because KT is good for gut…
  • I have never had kefir before. What does it taste like?
  • When I was a kid they prescribed amoxicillin for everything. So now I have a tolerance to it. Thankfully I only get sick for maybe 2 weeks out of the year. As for the weight loss comment I made, I will have to go find it. Maybe it was boosting your metabolism. Apple Cider Vinegar is supposed to do that, so why not kombucha…
  • That sounds yummy! I have never bottled. Just make a batch & drink it.
  • As a teen I would get tonsilitis frequently. One time it got so bad it went all the way down my throat. Because I got it all the time the effectiveness of antibiotics was zero. Went to a health food store (we were on vacation too and that made it suck that much more) and the guy had us buy a huge bottle and told me to…
  • I started brewing back in August, just 1f. Took a break for a few months. Thinking about brewing again since I have 8 SCOBY's in a hotel. I never tried kefir before. Saw Kevita in the grocery store today and bought the raspberry lemon kombucha. It was pretty good.
  • I think its the enzymes and probiotics that help with weight loss. I have several SCOBY's in a hotel. I think I am going to start another batch this week.
  • Northern Michigan here ❄⛄
  • I have found telling friends sometimes is not good. I just want to lose 10-20 pounds. When I pass on a cookie or a drink they ask why, so I tell them. Their responce is oh you dont need to lose any weight (I appreciate their complements). According to my BMI I should weigh 124 but I think thats too skinny. About 135 would…
  • My goal is to just loose my mommy pooch (never really lost 2 pregnancies of baby weight). All I want is to lose 20 pounds and fit into ALL my clothes. Hubby got me a fitbit (well its a Garmin vivosmart actually) for Christmas and I love it.