holdenmonty Member


  • congratulations. I have a mantra that I try to remind myself constantly with anything and everything, and it is, "every accomplishment is still an accomplishment no matter how small."
  • height 5'11 SW: 161 when I had my last Physical fitness test CW: not really sure I get weighed at some of my appointments and they usually take off 10 pounds for my uniform so I think 163 GW: I like where I'm at but could loose my mini keg so I want to lower my body fat ratio but gain some muscle mass, plus still be able…
  • So I think I figured it out. SW is starting weight CW is current weight and GW is goal weight.
  • wow that is awesome.
  • The most annoying thing people say to me is you can afford to put a little meat on your bones. And I think yeah I want to put meat on my bones but what you want me to stuff my face with will put fat on my bones.
  • That is an interesting idea. Being mindful about what you eat and where you eat. It is so true though my boys tend to throw a fit eating at the dinning room table because my wife enjoys eating on the couch in front of the tv but we have a little picnic table for our boys to eat at in front of the tv but we do tend to eat…
  • so I'm wondering what the SW, CW, and GW mean I'm assuming they are some kind of weight but not sure what kind of weight.
  • I have learned the hard way that it's all about baby steps no matter what change it is. If I try to do to much to quickly then I get overwhelmed and feel like I'm trying to take a sip out of a fire hydrant and give up.
  • I have talked to several people and even myself have tried to eat healthy but then falling off the wagon so to speak and start back with my bad habits. I think the key is to allow yourself to treat yourself to not as healthy stuff from time to time. For example with me in this last year I have discovered that I enjoy beer…
  • It doesn't matter what fruit shape you mostly resemble. It is about what you want for yourself. I have always been called a toothpick growing up and I have wanted to get more muscular but with some mental health stuff that I have been going through that isn't related to my weight or body image I have learned that I need to…
  • That sounds amazing.
  • I am not trying to loose weight really but I do have high amounts of stress but for sleep what I do is that I found this great body lotion at bath and body works called stress relieve that has eucalyptus and spearmint in it and it helps me relax and fall asleep. Also when I'm feeling really stressed I have some that I put…
  • I was kind of wondering this as well because I had a muffin for breakfast which had 15 grams of sugar in it and with eating a bunch of baby carrot sticks, celery, and sweet peas for a morning snack it pushed me past the recommended sugar intake but it seems like since it's sugar from vegetables wouldn't that mean its more…
  • This looks like an awesome challenge. I will have to google a couple of the names of things like reverse crunches
  • You recognized it before it got to out of control. Be proud of yourself for that.
  • I have always been relatively skinny and I get it all the time. I'm looking at loosing three pounds but I'm really looking at just being healthier. The thing I hate the most is when people tell me that I need to eat more and get some meat on my bones. I'm a 5ft 11in male at 163 pounds and I know it is pretty good and I did…