Trump2016 Member


  • If it's been the same for a couple of weeks, you're overestimating how much you're burning and/or underestimating how much you're eating. Bear in mind TDEE calculators often aren't accurate. Calculate what your TDEE would be if you were sedentary and underestimate how much you burn through exercise alone and eat according…
  • You're overestimating how much you're burning and/or underestimating how much you're eating. That or you weighed yourself with high water retention.
  • Eat all your calories/meals within 3 or 4 hours and stay fasted for 20-21. If you eat a large amount in a condensed period of time, you'll be full and your appetite will be curbed. Works for me. I go to bed with a happy stomach every night. I'm even full in the mornings and it takes late evening time to be hungry again.
  • Long distance runner here. 1. Use the 10 weeks to develop explosive strength - implement anaerobic training. Run the stairs for 2 of 3 weekly hours. Slowly work yourself into skipping steps on the way up for added difficulty. Use the remaining 1 of 3 hours of dedication for regular running and try to break some sort of…
  • Weight management is a binary approach to health and just looking at calories is similarly binary. I wanted an overall approach to great health and sustainability. Being mindful of things that promote vitamins and minerals, organ health, blood flow, brain power, skin and hair, etc. as well as weight. To achieve that, I…
  • Tadaa. I just eat it right out of the container. Cooking is a chore.
  • On most days, I'll be fasted for 20 hours and eat two big meals within the remaining 4 hours. Small meals aren't nearly as satisfying and eating the same total within a condensed period of time prevents me from over-eating and leaves me with a happy stomach. It's just personal preference. Play around and do what works to…
  • The oddities don't necessarily end there but aw well. Might be more palatable in audio-only form - I don't know.
  • I guess people who don't bother with meal prep or people who don't bother with the gym have an easy choice. But assuming the proper conditions to suit the ultimatum: meal prep. Anyone who uses the gym could get an amazing workout at home if they actually made an effort. It's far harder to substitute a close eye on meals.
  • An entire container of kale + green tea + scoop of whey. Prefer the larger meals toward bedtime so I can sleep on a happy stomach.
    in Meals Comment by Trump2016 January 2016
  • Start here, OP: I personally use both Optimum Nutrition and Quest. You're unlikely to find quality whey at Walmart. Low quality. Ranks #65 Brand is…
  • For anyone reading this thread who is in the minority and actually likes accounting for over-indulgences, just overestimate how much you over-ate and plan the following week out according to that. So if you ate 800 extra cals, take it as 1000 for the sake of certainty. 1000/7 = ~143. Eat 143 fewer calories than you…
  • As far as I know, Ezekiel breads are the healthiest types. I enjoy them daily.
  • Kale, cashews and a fruit.
  • Someone with a goal of weight loss, who is exercising 5x a week, who has lost 2 pounds over the course of 3 weeks is a) underestimating how much they're eating or b) overestimating how much they're burning or c) both. By the way you've described some things, I can tell you're not actually tracking things. Start with that…