Trump2016 Member


  • To always be able to run a mile well under 5 minutes; To always be able to enjoy a **** ton of food while staying below 9% body fat. So a happy stomach, endurance and overall well being are my motivations.
  • That's the beautiful thing: it never does. I consider just about everything I eat as some form of dessert and it barely takes any time to make. If you can find healthy, quick versions of all your cravings, you're set for life.
  • This. So much this. Not to mention looking for band-aid solutions doesn't improve your chances at making it a lifestyle change. Your mentality still needs to be patched. You're speaking like someone who's bound to yo-yo dieting for a lifetime. Have some willpower. Eat less and exercise.
  • Yep. The banana, Ezekiel and PB are obviously convenient but I should also mention green peas can be bought frozen in bulk pretty much everywhere and they don't actually need to be cooked. A simple defrost makes them edible too. 1 cup of peas is 8g of protein too in case you were worried about that - I'll usually have 4-5…
  • Ezekiel bread (healthiest type of bread that I know) with natural PB, x cups of green peas, a banana. Takes less than 5 minutes to prepare. Nutrient-rich. A balance of nuts, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Easy.
  • Presumably meaning you're free during the morning and day. So what? I work nights too. That and meal timing is irrelevant so the only thing time might affect is access to a gym or energy to exercise. You can still lose weight through just diet (even though everyone should be exercising). That's just a silly excuse people…
  • When people in real life ask me for advice, I tell them to start by ignoring the Internet because of the piles of junk information and nonsense they'd have to sift through or qualify. Your premise and conclusion make my point perfectly.
  • Let's say your maintenance is x calories. We'll say 10 bananas is 1050 calories. Here's my criticism assuming those 10 bananas are specifically being used to go over your TDEE: 1. There's a scientifically-backed maximum amount of lean tissue a person can build per day. 1050 calories above your TDEE, regardless of their…
  • Cardio (if you're not pussyfooting around) burns more calories which facilitates quicker weight loss. Strength training burns fewer but improves your composition such that -80 pounds with it would look better than -80 pounds without it. Weight loss can be achieved without either of them (solely diet) or just one of them,…
  • I wanted to smack the ever living hell out of JD from last week. What a total scumbag who wasted everyone's time. Lost track of how many times he blatantly lied throughout the episode and had an infantile attitude. All the other folks from previous ones had better attitudes even when they were scratching the bottom of the…
  • Reconsider the extent of your progress if you'd reject vitamin- and mineral-rich foods in a time of illness after you've already gone a week of eating poorly, which itself is a poor indicator of committing to a lifestyle change. You got more than your share of comfort food. Toughen up.
  • Peaches or pomegranates for dessert. Green peas with chili powder is always a go-to, guilt-free snack.
  • Donald Trump. If he ever needs a heart transplant he can have mine. Resting heart rate is below 40 these days. Keeping it in great condition for the God Emperor.
  • Light to moderate sessions on a treadmill daily for 1 month isn't going to build the kind of muscle that would account for the phenomenon you're drawing on as a possibility. Not even close. It's not even anaerobic (like hill sprints), never mind strength based training. It sounds barely even aerobic. --- Eat less and move…
  • If you haven't seen a change in 4 weeks, you're underestimating how much you eat and/or overestimating how much you're burning. Eat less and/or move more. If you're doing 45-75 minutes literally every day on the treadmill, it means you probably aren't doing it with any real intensity from the days before. I see tons of…
  • Yeah, believe me - I've looked around with an honest effort too and my findings can be summed up similarly to yours. None are really thorough enough to inform me through baselines and numbers what happens with hormones when they're compared with different thresholds. Ah well. Thanks.
  • Since this is "Nutrition Debate"... Can the next person who posts a minimum amount include a medical journal or something substantive to corroborate the number or one that shows deleterious effects of having a fat intake as low as a certain number? That's what we need to know: what's the minimum amount for hormonal…
  • Even though the scale could be inaccurate: It's entirely possible for a 5'7 145 pound woman to be out of shape. A sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet that doesn't support preserving muscle, for example, would ruin the composition and there would be an imbalance of body fat and lean muscle -- so it very well could just be…
  • Good stuff. Really appreciate the input.
  • "how much/how long/how often do you exercise?" Cardio 5-6 days a week, about a half hour per session. I used to only do cardio 2x a week at higher intensity and for a longer duration but it's much nicer being able to do the former. "What kind of exercise(s) do you do?" Stair-running + MMA (sparring/bag work) "Do you…
  • That it demonstrates DEXA scans being reliable. :smile: You do look like you're wearing ~30% fat. No need to exhaust more methods of measurement for now. Keep working at it - good job on the progress to date. Thoughts after seeing pics?
  • Red flags: 1. "Tone" 2. "DailyMail" 3. Stock image of a guy who wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to where he is if his attention were regularly captured by glorification of something so insignificant. 4. Willfully reducing gym ethic -- "having the same effects as actually hitting the gym" -- without making an honest…
  • Oh, so that's how people can use food as a prop if they aren't in magic or illusion sequences. It's time to treat food a bit more like fuel. There are... countless more deserving ways of getting attention.
  • Although I use an IF approach, I have to say lots of the additional benefits are over-glorified. It's an approach to appetite control. If it sounds rough and/or takes getting used to, you're not missing out on anything special by exploring something else. My personal appetite and preferences led me to IF; the praise we see…
  • Ah, yeah. I wouldn't know about sports or competitions other than MMA, but they diet for 3-4 weeks and then cut a lot of the remaining water weight and rehydrate after weigh-ins. I'm not really in that situation. I perform well both aerobically and anaerobically. Yeah, all things considering they were in shape. There's a…
  • Why would they limit health over the long haul as long as the nutrition is chosen well? Curious. Feel free to elaborate. Most of my relatives aren't in great shape, haha. Probably 15-30 pounds overweight. I'm the disciplined one. I'm 172 cm and a bit less than 140 pounds. ~1850 and ~1550 respectively - I always calculate…
  • Eh, it could've been a blessing to go off track for a while if it recommits you to being even more disciplined (whether that means entirely abstaining or more realistically working it into your lifestyle a smarter way). Maybe invest in things like unsweetened cocoa powder, a sugar substitute you trust (I prefer…