Trump2016 Member


  • There's a difference between weight gain and fat gain. If you're staying within your caloric range, there'll be no weight gain. If, as you have said, snacks make up 40% of your daily intake, there's a good chance you're jeopardizing leanness. Nutrient density/micros are involved where health is concerned. A. Having 40% of…
  • I've been using a 21-3 window for a long time with zero problems. IF is glorified probably more than it deserves, though. It just depends on what personally works for one's appetite. I have no trouble consuming just water through 21 hours and I enjoy the hell out of stuffing my face for 3 and feeling like I have a full…
  • BMI is useless when considering body fat % because it doesn't account for how the weight is distributed. I can easily imagine a 6' 180 man with more than a fair share of fat. I know plenty of runners your height or taller who are ~155-165 pounds with 7-12% fat. Do you look like the ~30% fat men depicted in the following…
  • Holy crap. We're the same weight (140) and you eat up to 3.8x what I do in a single day. You already know it's bad. If you're trying to drop 10 pounds, let it register that the less you weigh, the harder it is to lose weight. You should be able to harness a sustainable lifestyle to do that instead of a frankly bizarre…
  • My thoughts are that people believe this silly myth due to the exorbitant amount of advertising money poured into stupid breakfast products that profit from perpetuating this, well, silly myth.
  • It was so terrible. I had lots of the healthy components like tons of fruits and veggies, but more than that were: rice; cereal; breakfast bars; chips; more cereal; more breakfast bars; a hell of a lot of noodles. Pretty much just carbs carbs carbs. Ended up skinnyfat before I committed to running and cutting all the crap…
  • I don't mind if I sound like a putz - but could you reconcile that with what I was asking just so I could intuitively understand? Is the heart rate-calorie calculator we were referring to have no science to back it up? (I understand that there could be inaccuracies, but the fundamental concept of burning more while having…
  • Some of you folks are saying it's fewer burnt but it's by an insignificant amount; you're saying it's not even by an insignificant amount, but it remains the exact same, no matter what? If someone were running for 90 minutes, how could the tiredness developing over time have nothing to do with how much overall oxygen you…
  • That's the thing though - depending on how much someone has improved, it takes significantly less energy. It takes a lot more to get tired/higher intensity to get the heart rate up in the same amount of time. See: (Thanks for that.)
  • I don't know brother - wouldn't the significance just depend on how significant the improvement in endurance is? Using myself as an example, I went from a resting heart rate of 75 to 42 (both measured professionally and accurately) and I've remained the same weight. My old workouts would be a joke compared to now; I…
  • Edit: I started writing before other folks replied and lots of my input overlaps with theirs. Good that we're on the same page anyway. I'm just about certain it has to be fewer calories burned. I'm seriously into endurance and I was wondering this too at some point. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but you burn more the…
  • What sums up her advice? Only ever watched one of her videos (recipe-related). Must be one hell of a fad diet if it's as you've described.
  • Heh, another vote for my fellow Torontonian: Vegan Gains
  • Cheers Carlos - thanks for the name. Summing up people's suggestions, I'll continue to float around 20-25%. No further input needed unless it's info about what specifically happens when we drop it to something like 10-15%. Thanks all.
  • I recognize both names. I'll dive in and take a look, see the context for the 0.4 figure, etc. - thanks for the suggestion. It's not as though I haven't tried it before - I have for weeks and still felt great. I just don't know if I can trust that entirely so I wanted to dissect the topic bit more. It's a concern if…
  • I'd drop it to 10% instantaneously if I could just find a reputable journal or something. Really hoping someone can pull one out. Right now I'm floating at 20-25%. Hoping to do 60% carbs 30% protein 10% fat if I'm confident I wouldn't be cannibalizing my hormones. In any case, thanks!
  • Another vote for this. It's the first thing I do when I wake up and I go at it hard 3-4 days a week. You're not going to want to sabotage all the work you did early in the day by overeating later on; it'll keep you in check.
  • I think the benefits he was pulling can be attributed to the intensity levels and not much more: But yeah, I'll stay firm per my previously linked study that fasted or fed is pretty much insignificant. Thanks for chipping in there. Open to reading…
  • I wish! They're pretty much all above 170. The lowest ones are the Cinnamon ones I think. Though this topic's about powders, I totally share the enthusiasm for them. I love the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ones. They recently went from 190 to 210 cals - sort of confused about what led to that.
  • I eat at least 300 cal worth of fruits daily and at least 200 worth of veggies, so there's that. Nature's sweets are good enough for me. You could use a substitute like erythritol or the virtually zero cal (probably 5 or less) Walden Farms products if you have an extra sweet tooth. Maybe random drizzles of honey.
  • Because it should be met with resistance when people try to impose their personal preferences on a lifestyle related forum when there's no real reason for it. Because people are committing to finding what best works for their lifestyle and unfair criticism of something they want (that might end up working for them!) might…
  • "Excess protein has to x through y" "Please love your y" "Why not favour fish and chicken as protein sources over whey as a protein source?" That fairly sums up what you said, which makes no sense. You tried to make a case for avoiding whey while only appealing to excessive protein, while the alternatives you suggested can…
  • Read that and read it well. All your questions answered. Ignore your friend. Thorough and citations aplenty. I personally take in 0.70-0.75g per pound on rest days and 0.85g on superhuman cardio days. P.S. Even if we went with the 1g per pound of bodyweight…
  • I'm not averse to supplements (I take a few basics), but that product is garbage and their marketing approach is pathetic. Your profile says you have been on and off fad diets for a while. Herbalife is a picture-perfect fad. I hope you try substituting the calories with something far better - good luck.
  • Fruits, pistachios and a teaspoon of cinnamon topped with some kale. Cup of almond milk on the side is nice (30 cals - the brand is Silk). I love having it right before bed.
  • 2014 study: Doesn't make much significant difference whether cardio is done while fasted or fed. Meal timing is insignificant too (for the most part) as others have touched on. Try to get some protein within 3 hours of your workout. Synthesis goes on for far longer than…
  • I don't consider it a salad if it has anything other than fruits and/or veggies and I'm happy to eat it raw - as most of the things I eat are. Nature's candy. If I ever cook them, they're always thrown into a basic soup. Can't go wrong with soup.
  • Nah, it's far from a must. Just read this:
  • I just eat for 4 hours and fast for 20. I can easily maintain my weight or even lose on it. Eating more calories in a condensed period of time makes me go to sleep on a happy stomach and it's pretty much impossible to overeat. Huge meals are just so much more satisfying. Either way, do whatever works for your appetite…
  • I make healthy versions of all the junk that could appeal to me, so I consider every one of my meals dessert anyway. It's like I have dessert 2-3 times a day, every day, all year long. Easy way to avoid temptations that'll take me south.