Does this sound bad?

So essentially, I've been in an in and out cycle eating 5000-7000 calories one day next day like 500-1500 cals (been going for 2 weeks). I've been maintaining weight for that matter and it has been fluncating. So I ate 7000 calories for three days straight and I'm a bit afraid since I'm going to a buffet tommorow. I'm trying to lose 10 pounds by the summer and I'm currently 140 pounds. I lose 10 pounds every month, but I've been eating alot lately and as I said I've been furthermore maintaining? Does it sound good to do this sometimes because I will gain some weight and be able to focus on this diet instead of hitting the goal fast and having to be bored maintaining it (towards the summer). To add, I was 200 pounds during the month of September. If you're wondering why I sometimes consume only 500 cals some days its cus my appetite fluncates. Just to clarify, so I eat alot gain some weight so I'll be able to focus on my weight goal of losing weight (I'm 140 trying to go 130) since I'm been getting bored of dieting so I gain focus for summer since its only winter at the moment.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    It's hard to tell exactly from your post, but you're consistently losing 10 pounds a month on this plan? Then I guess it's working. For me, it would be difficult to manage -- I need a more consistent plan. But that doesn't mean that you need a more consistent plan.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    what is your weekly total of cals consumed .. since u're going up and down.. look at ur cals for the week. if you're in a small deficit u're good to go
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You lost 60 pounds in five months? No wonder you're having these binges.
  • Trump2016
    Trump2016 Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2016
    Holy crap.

    We're the same weight (140) and you eat up to 3.8x what I do in a single day.

    You already know it's bad. If you're trying to drop 10 pounds, let it register that the less you weigh, the harder it is to lose weight.

    You should be able to harness a sustainable lifestyle to do that instead of a frankly bizarre pattern that's bound to cause yo-yo effects.

    Treat food more like fuel. 7000 calories... give your organs a rest. I hope for your sake that you were significantly exaggerating.