kathleencooper535 Member


  • I was a horse trainer in 3 day eventing my last back and hip break were caused from a horse flipping over on top of me. I didn't hold up too well against a 1200lb animal. I am still able to ride but now at that level anymore. I think you guys are absolutely right I was trying to cut everything out at once and it made me…
  • I eat cheddar cheese like it's going out of business it's terrible. I do love to cook which is part of my problem lots of butter and other things that are big no no's. The other problem I have is that I have the pallet of a 6 year old I hate vegetables and most things with texture. I can't eat bananas, beans, etc. there's…
  • It did heal the second time around I actually took the time off to let it heal properly and did the physical therapy. It's was my L5 twice it bothers me from time to time mainly at work but I am back at the gym
  • If you put down the soda I will put down the Milky Way