elinor32 Member


  • Thank you for this post. So, so much. I loved this part of your post most of all: "I get bored with the gym. I get bored walking the same trails. Some days I just want to sit at home in front of the TV and do nothing! I exercise in cycles. Some times I'm great at it and other times I'm not and that's OK. It took me a…
  • Getting up early is hard/getting motivated when you come home is hard. Saying no to delicious food is hard. Logging your food is hard. Working out is hard. Really hard. Not wanting seconds, or thirds, or fourths, is hard. Seeing others eat what they want and look skinnier than you - it's hard. Feeling bad about yourself,…
  • I've been vegetarian for six years, trying to adopt a more vegan lifestyle although not strictly vegan (yet).
  • Peanut butter, oh peanut butter. I love a spoonful as a treat at the end of the night. I'm a vegetarian too, so I get it. I don't know if you're trying for more protein... and this might not be up your alley ---- but I gotta say, I love a block of tofu as a snack (*disclaimer - only the nasoya already cooked and marinated…
  • OH MY GOD so many delicious things!!! Some favorites: -on a salad yum! -in a stuffed red pepper! -cooked and mixed with cooked sweet potatoes, craisins, walnuts, caramelized red onion
  • Ha! Me too. I want to go back and shake that girl who thought she needed to lose weight. She looked great. Now I'm focusing on feeling good about myself and trying to be strong and happy. Add me if you like!
  • Hi Sheishei! (And everyone else) I've got 20 to 30 lbs to go myself. I've lost and gained it before so finally ready to commit to losing and keeping it off. For real this time, yo. I gained 20 lbs last year (broke up with my so, my friend lost a battle with cancer, some other crappy stuff happened) and I guess I stopped…