quiznut1 Member


  • Lost 10 pounds since January 2. Male, 5'10. Started at 164.3 lbs, 19.9% BF, and trying to reach 12% BF, 160 lbs. Trying to reach 15% BF first (it would be about 148.8 lbs) by doing intense cardio intervals/some weights, and eating clean. At 15% BF I will shift to more intense weights, and not as intense cardio.…
  • Another update - weighed in today at 155.4 lbs, 17.24% BF. Total weight lost so far is 8.9 lbs, with 5.9 lbs being fat since January 2, according to my Weight Watchers scale. I am finding that my proportion of fat lost/weight lost is 2/3, so I am anticipating I will need to get to 148.8 lbs in order to hit that 15% BF…
  • Another update - weighed in today at 155.4 lbs, 17.24% BF. Total weight lost so far is 8.9 lbs, with 5.9 lbs being fat since January 2, according to my Weight Watchers scale. I am finding that my proportion of fat lost/weight lost is 2/3, so I am anticipating I will need to get to 148.8 lbs in order to hit that 15% BF…
  • Small update...now about 157.6 lbs, 28.1 lbs BF, for about 17.8%. Trying to get to 15% BF (probably would be 150 lbs) before focusing on bulking up to get to my goal of 160 lbs, 12% BF.
  • Hey John, Thanks for sharing. This is where I read how it is better to cut first, then bulk if you're over 15% BF (which I am) http://www.builtlean.com/2012/05/03/lose-fat-first/ A lot of sites I am reading are saying also how it is better to have a nice lean base to bulk too. At the same time, I am losing about 1/3 pound…
  • Around 5'10
  • I know it may sound a bit crazy, but I am not going through the day hungry as I am spacing out my food intake and drinking plenty of water. Workouts are tough, but I am accepting that as part of the process. Just trying to figure out how to best lose fat tissue instead of lean/muscle tissue in the process of reaching my…