Hello from MN

Hi everyone,

Joined here to keep my motivation up as I embark on part 2 of a personal fitness journey, male, 31 years old, average build. My immediate family is all overweight, and I don't have someone I can workout with.

I was as high as 207 pounds in December 2010 before my fiance' (now wife) motivated me to start taking health more seriously. Lost 36 pounds in 2 1/2 months before my wedding, and continued to lose periodically, but kind of up and down at times.

My goal is to be 160 lbs and 12% BF by May 14 (graduate school event). I was 164.3 and 19.9% BF (per Weight Watcher's scale) on January 2, and have lost 4.5 pounds (3.1 BF) since.

My workouts are an hour long, 3 days a week. 40 minutes cardio on a treadmill doing HIIT (3 minutes fast, 1 1/2 minutes slow), and 20-25 minutes on weight machines (focusing on all muscle groups, 2 sets each of high weights at low reps).

Diet plan has been to eat more protein, fruits, grains, veggies, and when I am hungry until contented rather than full, 4-5 times a day. Calories average about 1500-1700 a day.

Am I on the right track? I would like to have my BF lost to be proportionally higher to my overall weight, but I have read to focus on cutting first because I am over 15% BF. Once at 15% BF I planned to focus more time on weights (Maybe 30 minutes cardio/30 minutes weights, or 25/35).


  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    How tall are you?
  • quiznut1
    quiznut1 Posts: 9 Member
    Around 5'10
  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    quiznut1 wrote: »
    Around 5'10

    Me too. I want to be 160 as well. People say that's too little weight. But I think for my body type that's fine. I'm 179 today and pretty flabby underneath my clothes. My height seems to hide that.
  • quiznut1
    quiznut1 Posts: 9 Member
    GoJohnGo71 wrote: »
    quiznut1 wrote: »
    Around 5'10

    Me too. I want to be 160 as well. People say that's too little weight. But I think for my body type that's fine. I'm 179 today and pretty flabby underneath my clothes. My height seems to hide that.

    Hey John,

    Thanks for sharing. This is where I read how it is better to cut first, then bulk if you're over 15% BF (which I am)
    A lot of sites I am reading are saying also how it is better to have a nice lean base to bulk too.

    At the same time, I am losing about 1/3 pound muscle/lean tissue for every 2/3 pound BF, so I'm not sure if I should be doing things differently. Or do I have to accept that some lean tissue/muscle will be lost when trying to burn fat?
  • quiznut1
    quiznut1 Posts: 9 Member
    Small update...now about 157.6 lbs, 28.1 lbs BF, for about 17.8%.

    Trying to get to 15% BF (probably would be 150 lbs) before focusing on bulking up to get to my goal of 160 lbs, 12% BF.
  • quiznut1
    quiznut1 Posts: 9 Member
    Another update - weighed in today at 155.4 lbs, 17.24% BF. Total weight lost so far is 8.9 lbs, with 5.9 lbs being fat since January 2, according to my Weight Watchers scale.

    I am finding that my proportion of fat lost/weight lost is 2/3, so I am anticipating I will need to get to 148.8 lbs in order to hit that 15% BF percentage. Have been doing some intense cardio, but once I hit 15% BF I plan to focus on weight training to hit my goal of 160 lbs, 12% BF.