MrRheritage Member


  • Ingress is brilliant. ^^ Take a look at scout pace. Developed by the zulu warriors and adopted by rifle units, It involves alternating jog and walk for short bursts. Ie. Jog 10 paces, walk 10 paces, repeat. With this technique you should be able to cover a mile in 12 minutes without breaking a sweat. It's great for…
  • Hello Amanda, diet control alone can become an uphill battle because as you lose weight your body needs less calories. That's where a bit of light exercise comes in. Take a look at the app called ingress, it's a great way to move about and discover your surroundings. I average 100km a month playing fairly casually. Also…
  • Hi Mary, my brother in law is a Les Mills instructor in Bristol! Good luck reaching your goal
  • Also have a look at the app called ingress, it is a great way to discover your surroundings without realising how far you have actually walked. I average about 100km a month playing it fairly casually!
  • Im about the same age as you. Don't be disheartened, cliché: this journey is a marathon not a sprint. In the first couple of weeks you might see some significant results just by cutting out the crap as your body goes into shock and starts raiding the easy access energy stores. As you begin to lose weight you will feel…