geministyle67 Member


  • I use it and it helps me feel a little more energized when I don't feel like working out. Tastes pretty good, I like the Strawberry Margarita. No appetite suppression for me. Unfortunately. ;)
  • I'm a woman, eating 1600-1700 on an average day, and losing at a safe and steady rate. It's taken me awhile to get to this point, though, as I'm pretty sure I f*cked up my metabolism pretty badly eating 1200 for a long period of time when I was in my early 20's. I would maybe seek out a second opinion or see a registered…
  • It sounds like a good starting point. I don't think huge deficits are a good idea, but 500ish cals a day sounds very doable.
  • Yeah, weight looks SO different on people. I am 5'5" and look my best at 145-150ish. If I was 125 I would look ILL, even though some women may look great at that weight. It is really helpful to understand how much lean body mass you have and go from there. I carry 118 pounds of lean mass right now, so you can see why 125…
  • I know 1200 would be too little for me, and I only have 17 pounds to lose. I did the "Scooby" calculations for my age, height, weight, and activity level, and it gave me 1600 per day. So far, it is working!
  • All this discussion of Thai and Vietnamese food is making me hungry. :)
  • Most Thai places have a beef salad or salad rolls on the menu. Both are delicious and lower in calories.
  • Thank you for the ideas! I've written these down and will look for them next time I hit up the store.
  • Those of you that have found Lean Cuisines or other frozen dinners that you like, specific recommendations? I know everyone is different but I'm looking for some ideas as well. My waist is getting fat and my wallet thin from too much takeout at lunch, so I'm gonna do the frozen meal thing for awhile ...
  • I just wanted to pop in here and say I'm on the verge of turning 49 and my 40's have been my BEST DECADE EVER! Welcome to the club! :)
  • My C9 and Old Navy stuff has held up really well. Some I have had 3-4 years probably? BUT I'm really good about just washing in cold water and then hanging to dry. I wound up buying one pair of leggings from F21. I'm only 5'4" and pretty average proportions so I never have to worry about things being too short on me, etc.…
  • Ah, I haven't looked at H&M. One just down the street from my office so maybe I'll go on my lunch hour this week. Agree about TJ Maxx/Marshalls. I have gotten some Marika leggings from there that I love and they are always under $20.
  • Thanks ladies for all the input! I think I might buy just one pair of the F21 leggings to test them out. And then look for sales at VS. I will also search out the outlet stores - I live in between a couple of fairly large outlets so will check and see what stores they have available. I do still love Old Navy but am a…
  • Hi there! I have seen VS activewear and like the looks of it, but the prices are quite a bit higher than Old Navy/Target/F21. Not ruling it out completely and I'm guessing I should probably sign up for their emails, but trying to keep leggings in the $20-$30 range at the moment. ;)
  • Please add me - I've gotten off track and need accountability to get back on track! none of my pants fit and I am NOT happy.
  • This is not directed at the OP, but I always cringe when I see weight/height ratio used as the only metric for what is healthy. I'm also 5'5" and at my most fit, weighed 150 pounds. Yep, you read that correctly. I always wondered how I could be a size 4 and be that "heavy". And how friends of mine who are the same height…
  • 120-121 sounds very thin already for someone 5'5" tall. If I were you I'd keep eating healthy and exercise and don't worry about what the scale says!
  • I think once I get my portions back under control and work slows down to a manageable level, I'll get back to cooking again. I'm a really good cook and enjoy it, but work is going to be crazy busy until mid-March. I'm not a huge fan of frozen meals but they ARE good for where I'm at right now. I've been overly reliant on…
  • I did that for a couple of weeks with a local meal delivery service, but it was breaking the bank. The quality was WAY better than Lean Cuisine, though, admittedly. There are some entrees by Saffron Road and Ethnic Gourmet that I like that seem to be a step above. And the cost isn't bad - around $4 US.
  • Glitterrain, I have done that in the past and may again in the future, but I haven't been able to commit to it recently. I'm not looking at this as a forever choice, just something to get me over the hump. ;)