carriewright0813 Member


  • I just took this class for the first time last night and let me tell you, it's very energetic. It's a lot like Zumba except this is more like hip-hop dancing. I loved it. It's a work out but it's fun. I love to dance so I thought this would be perfect for me and it is. It has choreography so it's kind of hard to learn at…
  • Hey guys...thanks for all your messages! So, apparently I'm being more strict than I have to be. I've met a really nice health coach on this app last night and I'm going to learn a healthy way of living so I can maintain. I'm not shelling out a bunch of money only to gain weight right back. I appreciate your thoughts..all…
  • I want to lose 45 lbs. I've had a hysterectomy so that is some of the reason why it's hard to lose weight, I'm told. Hormones are very low and I'm going to see what can be done for that. But the biggest reason is I want a quick fix. I want to lose weight quickly and maintain...but I'm upping my calorie intake to 1200..or…
  • Thanks!! What was your motivation and what was the hardest part of starting your journey?
  • Thank you Knight! I will definitely watch and learn! Thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks! I kinda knew putting it out there was a risk to getting no support. I'll be sure to not do that again.
  • Anyway. Good ideas! Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely try putting stuff in my water to give it flavor. I'm allowed lemon so I can add that. I'm sure mint is ok too!
  • Oops sorry. Didn't mean to do that lol. Still learning how to drive this app lol
  • In did. I talked to a few people who have lost weight with it and has done well. I read about it online and thought I could do it. Of course there are pros and cons to everything...
  • Wellll..I'm taking HGC. The first 30 days is basically meat, fish, eggs, very few fruits. Only strawberries, oranges, apples, and grapefruit. Nothing processed, understandable. 800 calories a day. Only grilled food, no oil whatsoever. Not even olive oil. Very little veggies. It's very strict and I'm just afraid that's it's…
  • Hello! I'm with you! This is my first day with the fitness pal. Hoping this keeps me on track! Good luck!