I cardio to work four to six days a week, either two 10 minute bike rides or two 20 minute runs (I bike ~80%). I run on Saturdays with a group for longer and once on Sundays with my dog for about 20-30 minutes. That way I don't have to spend any time on cardio in the gym, those workouts last long enough at 1hr to 1.5hrs…
Any discussion of standards will make some folks feel insecure. Same with running pace. Bench - Novice/29% Press - Novice/34% Deadlift - Intermediate/66% Squat - Novice/26% Male, 230#, training semi-regularly for 7 months
I carried a rifle and/or a pistol all the time overseas, but I haven't felt a rational need to go around armed here in the U.S.. It isn't a war zone. I wouldn't want to go anywhere I felt that I needed to be armed. I understand not everyone thinks that way.
I know the article is controversial, but you know people are doing something wrong when there are so many people all kitted out in running gear at the local 5k but most of them can't break 30 minutes. We should be critical of the focus on just putting in more miles when one could benefit from speed work.
Creatine and caffeine.
Here is an article that argues for a focus on speed over mileage. Perhaps it is relevant to the discussion.
Do people who carry guns while biking feel the need to be armed when they go to the beach or go for a run? If so how does that work?
Listen to music.
I buy from the local cycle and run stores, but only because I don't need that much. I've only had to change one tube on my new crossrip elite in 1.5 years and >4000 miles (switched out the tires, though). Running shoes are every six months or so, and I don't mind paying a little extra to stop by the store.
I'd be curious to know your friend's bench, squat, and deadlift.
Bicycle, barbell, ipod.
100 miles, but it wasn't really a run since I averaged 17 minute miles. My longest distance actual running (10 minute miles or less) is 31 miles/50k.
Greatest athletic feat was finishing a 100 mile ultramarathon, I consider that a feat of strength. Heaviest I've ever lifted is this morning when I pulled 405x5 conventional deadlift. Very happy with that, on March 28th when I started lifting weights I was at just 205x5.
It is generally accurate. During discussions online, anyone who thinks it does not apply to them should have to accompany their post with a photograph of them in their swimwear.
Deadlifted 405x5 this morning.
I ran 1:33:34 this year, and pulled 395x5 last week, so they are within reach, I just need to balance the training for them. Hopefully I will pull 405x5 this Sunday.
To run my spring half-marathon under 1:30 and right afterwards deadlift 405x5. Those are my goalposts before I get back into ultrarunning, I want to be able to do those two things on the same day.
I didn't say that. I said everyone should. There are limited downsides and large benefits. That is why I said they should. Creatine would be a "micronutrient" on your pyramid, so unless you are consuming massive (environmentally unsustainable) amounts of fish and red meat, you wouldn't be receiving the most effective…
Protein is naturally found in the body. That doesn't mean one receives enough of it in their diet. In order to receive the most effective dosage of creatine one would have to consume massive amounts of meat or fish. I have neither the budget nor the appetite for that, so buying $14 of creatine monohydrate every 4 months…
Creatine and caffeine are the two supplements with the greatest scientific support for their effectiveness. Everyone should take creatine, ~5mg/day for the typical person. If you consider protein power a supplement and not just food than it is very helpful in meeting one's macro-nutrient requirements easily and…
Everyone should take creatine. 5mg/day for the typical person.
You should be using the free weights. Don't be intimidated. You don't need a personal trainer, you just need to grab a beginner's strength training program and follow it. It really works. Congrats on the improvements you've seen. Consistency is probably the most important factor, but to answer your question there are more…
What type of man would be offended by a women's only section of the gym? Unbelievable.
rynshermy, I think the best thing you could do would be to plan out and write down your routine for what you are going to do at the gym. That way when you show up you can get right to it and execute your plan. With a tangible goal in mind you should have less time to second guess or doubt your reasons for being there as…
5th Edition is apparently pretty straightforward and simplified compared to previous editions and some other RPGs. My wife and I started last year and taught each other, now we both run and play in multiple games a week. Your local game store probably hosts WoTC organized play, which is a good way to get in if you don't…
A half-marathon in June. This year I ran it in 1:33:24. I've since started seriously weight training and have gained ~25lbs (from ~205lbs when I did the race) and have been running a lot less. In the next few months after I improve my lifts and body composition I am going to start cutting and running more. I will be…
You have plenty of room and time for improvement.
The deadlift is a great lift because you can directly translate it to what your strength score would be in 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. According to the ability scores section in the Player's Handbook (pg. 176) a PC can push, drag, or lift up to 30 times their strength score in pounds, so all you need to do it divide…
Pulled a 425# deadlift last night. I hadn't previously tested my 1RM so I didn't really know what I could do. Happy with my progress so far. Today is exactly six months since I started lifting.
I have a third floor apartment and my favorite lift is the deadlift, so I don't really have any other option.