Anyone regret the gain? I know I don't. Lol
You give me hope. ;)
I should add that I had lost 29 pounds. Now it's 24. Oh well....i know what to do to lose it.
I hate to say this but I'll go against the grain a bit. To say 3 pounds in 4 weeks is great loss might be misleading. What if she weighs 300 pounds and set her rate at 1.5 or 2 pounds a week? Yes I know it's unlikely given the 1300 cal allowance. But i know someone who thought a homemade burger with cheese AND bacon had…
Please forgive me for being silly...but YOUR DIMPLES!!! SO SWEET. :)
Actually from the Northeast, but moved to Houston a yr ago and loving it!
Does it matter? And this is an honest question. Not trying to be confrontational. I could see how fit = healthy and healthy = fit. Isn't all a matter of semantics? How exactly do you measure fitness? is it ones ability to run 1 mile? 10? 26? LIft 150 pounds? Does being fit even matter in this day an age? We no longer need…
I would love to see. I need some inspiration. Great job!
Wait...just be sure...did you say you have lost 211+ pounds???? Omg!!!!!! Wooow. You are my hero!
I wish you the hottest body ever AND a beautiful baby or babies in 1-2 years. ;)
Wow!!! Truly inspiring. If you don't mind my did they diagnose you? Is this the condition where they do a lumbar puncture to improve it? Are you all better now? Sorry. I'm in a science nerd. Btw...80 pounds!!! Rockstar.
You are amazing! Keep up the strong work dear.
Geez. Looks like you last 50 pounds!
You guys are absolute gems. I knew I was doing the right thing posting rather than silently stewing and being too ashamed to post (like I did the last time I was here). Thanks all. I need tough love and encouragement. It's just so hard to see a gain (especially so early on). But I get it. It's a long and slow process. I do…
Healthcare. I manage folks that have suffered catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Gratifying but requires endless self sacrifice. Including my health. And that is why I find myself here, once again.