gbread2u0169 Member


  • FINALLY seeing movement on the scales again! Down another 1.2lbs for a total loss of 11.9 to date! Woo hoo......only 100.3 pounds to go. :#
  • Just stopping by to check in. Yesterday was a very stressful day - started out when I accidently put my 47lb dog's flea/heartworm medicine on the 9lb cat instead of HER flea medicine - and then the gas company turned off the wrong meter when they came out to turn off the gas of the garage apartment behind my house and it…
  • @ab6046 Hang in there. Tomorrow is a new day, a new change to start over and take control. We're all here for you.
  • Finally (unofficially) lost the 5lbs I gained on vacation the week before Easter. One week to gain it and one week to lose it, not bad but I look at it as two weeks wasted! But I learned a very valuable lesson about eating 'off plan', not keeping up with regular weighs ins (I weigh myself every couple of days to watch for…
  • @thewildair - thanks for the tips you gave to @Woodsmoke above; I printed them out and will keep them with me as a reminder for the times when I feel out of control. THIS is exactly why I joined this group.....the ideas and suggestions of others along with the support of people who understand the struggle.
  • Its been a long week! Yesterday afternoon all I could think about was FOOD! So, when I got home from work I went straight for the kitchen and the pita chips and hummus. I portioned out the correct amount, logged it in my journal, and was determined that was ALL I WOULD EAT.....well 2 trips to the kitchen and over half a…
  • @irishjeepgirl1969 - I feel your pain. I'm up 3 pounds (was up 5 on Monday - after a much needed vacation!). Too much of the wrong food and not enough water last week is what did me in. But I'm back on track this week and already dropped 2 of the 5! Hang in there, you'll lose 'em.
  • 1. Real name: Ginger 2. Married: Divorced - TWICE (first marriage lasted 14 years, 2nd only 4 - it was a mistake from the get go lol) 3. Kids: 2 girls ages 20 & 24 (and a new son in law - also 24!) 4. Pets: Dog & cat 5. Home place: Charleston WV 6. Career/job: accounting & payroll AND full time college student 7. Hobbies:…
  • Starting weight: 252.5 current weight: 242 next goal: 225 (my first goal was 242 - I needed to see that first 10 pounds go) ULTIMATE GOAL: 145 I usually weigh myself everyday - it keeps me 'honest' about what's going on within myself, my eating, my exercise, etc. and helps me keep up with the changes. However, I only log…
  • I'm new to this group, just joined a few minutes ago. I've been reading some of the posts and plan to spend more time the new couple of days reading everything everyone has posted to get caught up and get to know everyone better. I'm willing to do daily check ins. Like others have said they do, I hide my binges and lie…
  • For me, freguent check ups/check ins would be great. Ideas and suggestions from others is helpful. Accountability is helpful. Encouragement and support are helpful. A good swift kick in the butt can't hurt sometimes either. I'm not looking for sympathy, excuses, or otherwise; I'm truly looking for support, encouragement,…
  • Wow! Thank you for starting this group. And THANK YOU to everyone who is sharing their story. I'm 47 yrs old with two beautiful, HEALTHY AND ATHLETIC daughters ages 20 & 24 but I have been overweight all of my adult life. I've not been diagnosed with BED but I had recently talked to my doctor about it. His response when I…
  • This could have been me writing this post. I am actually crying as I read and write. I am 47 years old and I've battled my weight my entire life. I've talked to my doctor about binge eating disorder but his response is always, just watch what you eat, get more exercise and try to stick to 1200-1500 calories a day and it'll…
  • I'm on the same journey. I'm down 10 pounds so far with 100-120 to go (depending on where I actually decide is a good fit for ME on the "healthy weight scale"). I've always been the 'bigger girl' and have yo-yo'd my entire life. I've been at my ideal weight once in my adult life but even that was maybe 12-15 years ago. So…