Daily check in



  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    Motor is blown on the fridge
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    edited March 2016
    New one is being delivered this afternoon. We have a freezer in the basement so anything that could be frozen I threw in there. Teething monster is napping thanks to some Motrin and a Popsicle. I just need to relax and not turn to food for comfort.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Ouch that stinks, sorry to hear about the fridge. I am glad the teether is napping.
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Major step for me, though it really should seem like common sense: I dumped out about a quarter of a bottle of rum today. I love rum. But I realized last night that when I drink rum, I eat. I eat out of control.

    No rum today. No binge today. Duh.

    Also, @ObesityWarrior...I am interested in low carb/keto. Any good links to share? I think carbs are like crack for me.

  • betrue95
    betrue95 Posts: 23 Member
    I just joined so i will take some time this week to get caught up on this group and read the posts. I have been looking for support to help with binge eating for too long and this group looks like it is very supportive. I'd like to be able to help where I can too.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Welcome to the group! If you feel like it, please post in the introduction thread so we can get to know you a bit!

    I anticipate today being hard for me. I have one internship and then from there I had to go to my internship class, which I'm really dreading. The class only meets once every two weeks, but because of spring break it will have been three weeks since we last met. I've gained a noticeable amount of weight since we last met, about ten pounds. And my face shape has totally changed and I look very swollen. I feel very embarrassed to show up like this, but obviously have no choice. So I'm really dreading that and when I get home will make a special effort not to binge.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome to the group @betrue95, like @ab6046 if you feel comfortable and want to share some things about yourself under the welcome announcement you will find posts from most of the members. Take a look around and keep in mind that everyone here is going through similar things as you are.
  • gbread2u0169
    gbread2u0169 Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm new to this group, just joined a few minutes ago. I've been reading some of the posts and plan to spend more time the new couple of days reading everything everyone has posted to get caught up and get to know everyone better.
    I'm willing to do daily check ins. Like others have said they do, I hide my binges and lie about my food. I log all of my food daily but NOT my binges! So my daily calories in do not always reflect my true day! My hardest time is the evenings after work (and school - because in addition to working full time, I'm also a full time college student, pursing a degree I started 30 years ago!).
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    ab6046 wrote: »
    Welcome to the group! If you feel like it, please post in the introduction thread so we can get to know you a bit!

    I anticipate today being hard for me. I have one internship and then from there I had to go to my internship class, which I'm really dreading. The class only meets once every two weeks, but because of spring break it will have been three weeks since we last met. I've gained a noticeable amount of weight since we last met, about ten pounds. And my face shape has totally changed and I look very swollen. I feel very embarrassed to show up like this, but obviously have no choice. So I'm really dreading that and when I get home will make a special effort not to binge.

    I get far too caught up in how I look. The wonderful thing about radio is that no one sees you. You are judged by what you say and play. I can't tell you how gratifying that can be for me. Unlike a lot of radio personalities, I don't have a persona. On the air, I am the same silly, cynical, goofy me that you'd meetbin Walmart. Buty coworkers (and occasionally listeners) tell me I sound sexy as hell. I'm NOT! I'm jeans, tee shirts, flip flops or muck boots. But noatter how I look or sound, the talent and resources I bring make me valuable. If your face looks swollen, I doubt it's of much concern to those with whom you are interned. You are not your face, your weight, or your eating habits. We need to stop allowing those things to determine our value.

    When I read your postings, I see a strong, stubborn woman who isn't allowing irrational fears to limit her professional success. In my mind, you look like Zena Warrior Princess! (In my mind, I look like the housekeeper from 2.5 Men lol)

    My daily check in? Twenty four hours binge free, alcohol free, and no desire for either. I should clarify: I don't drink all the time! In times of stress, rather than turn to food, I'll have a drink. Usually just one. A large one, but still just one :) Anyway, it seems that it opens the food flood gates for me and I just now down food like a zero turn radius John Deere.

    I was using exersice to work through stress. I need to return to that.

    Newbies? Yo! Whassup! Welcome! (My linky thingamajig that makes y'alls names turn blue ain't working, but I'm glad y'all are here!)
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    8 days binge free here. I think this is the longest I've gone since mid January.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Irish, that's so nice of you. Thank you. And I find it fascinating that you're such an introvert but also a radio personality. I guess I would normally assume that's more of an extrovert type of career, but I guess now that I think about it I can see how you could be an introvert too! So cool.

    Msty that is so incredible, I'm so happy for you! Do you feel like you're doing something differently or something has changed? Are the urges less strong, or you're able to avoid them more?
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Oh my god Irish...I just now realized your name is Irish JEEP girl. All along in my head it's been Irish SHEEP girl. Haha!
  • betrue95
    betrue95 Posts: 23 Member
    msty112 - that's great. One day at a time :)
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    ab6046 wrote: »
    Irish, that's so nice of you. Thank you. And I find it fascinating that you're such an introvert but also a radio personality. I guess I would normally assume that's more of an extrovert type of career, but I guess now that I think about it I can see how you could be an introvert too! So cool.

    Msty that is so incredible, I'm so happy for you! Do you feel like you're doing something differently or something has changed? Are the urges less strong, or you're able to avoid them more?

    Not sure what is different, to be honest. The urge is definately still there and I've had a few days this week where I almost lost control but I found different ways to distract myself. I haven't allowed myself any sweet treats, once I start with the sugar it seems to set me off. Just trying to take it one day at a time.

    I know that another binge will come eventually because this is a process and stumbles will happen. Telling myself "this will be my last binge ever" just seems to do more damage than good.

  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited April 2016
    Not good. These last 3 days have been a roller coaster. I ate everything I was craving. Today started with 2 cinnamon melts from mcdonalds, spicy salmon roll, 4 peanut butter cups, 6 French macaroons, and 2 chocolate covered matzohs. 2,600 calories total.
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    JEEP! I love Jeeps! Sheep are okay, too.

    @chelseascounter, breathe. Deep breaths. When my anxiety takes over, I find that my breathing is shallow and fast. Super fast. I don't know how eating calms me down, but I find that breathing does the same thing. Those calories you ate can't be uneaten. Just chalk it up to a screw up and decide not to screw up any more for 24 hours. Come here and post BEFORE the *kitten* gets too crazy. You know what I mean. You can do this!

    I am twenty four hours in to low carbing. After a year of not losing then six months of binging, I need a reset. We'll see how it goes. I believe that cutting most of the sugars from my system will help. We shall see. The idea of higher fatty foods scares the crap outta me
  • gbread2u0169
    gbread2u0169 Posts: 19 Member
    Its been a long week! Yesterday afternoon all I could think about was FOOD! So, when I got home from work I went straight for the kitchen and the pita chips and hummus. I portioned out the correct amount, logged it in my journal, and was determined that was ALL I WOULD EAT.....well 2 trips to the kitchen and over half a bag later, I was FINALLY able to control myself and made myself put the bag down and walk away. I didn't touch them again the rest of the night. What started out as a disaster ended in a victory, a small one since I'd already eaten over half the bag, but a victory nonetheless. Thanks for listening! :)
  • betrue95
    betrue95 Posts: 23 Member
    That's great gbread2 - way to go!
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    JEEP! I love Jeeps! Sheep are okay, too.

    @chelseascounter, breathe. Deep breaths. When my anxiety takes over, I find that my breathing is shallow and fast. Super fast. I don't know how eating calms me down, but I find that breathing does the same thing. Those calories you ate can't be uneaten. Just chalk it up to a screw up and decide not to screw up any more for 24 hours. Come here and post BEFORE the *kitten* gets too crazy. You know what I mean. You can do this!

    I am twenty four hours in to low carbing. After a year of not losing then six months of binging, I need a reset. We'll see how it goes. I believe that cutting most of the sugars from my system will help. We shall see. The idea of higher fatty foods scares the crap outta me

    I eat lower carb, not quite keto, I try to stay under 100gms. I have some hormonal issues and i definitely feel the difference if I stick to it. Don't be afraid of fat. We all need fat in our diet, especially women. I think we all got scared into eating low fat because of high cholesterol but that's been proven untrue. If you are going low carb, make sure you increase your sodium. If not you will feel like garbage the first few weeks.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    I think today is going to be bad for me. It's one of the few days I can get to the gym, and I decided not to. I've also cut down on my exercise a lot lately, which is unusual for me since it's usually a crutch. Now I feel like I've just given up. So I woke up and got doughnuts and muffins. Only a few since it was cash only and I only had a few dollars. But I'm gonna see a nutritionist today so I imagine afterward I will want to "go all out" and have ANOTHER "last hoorah" before I "crack down." I like what Msty said about acknowledging it's not the final binge, because that's true. So I don't know, today's probably gonna suck. Tomorrow is the start of my rating week so hopefully things will improve. I have some ideas for things im going to change. I just feel so gross and can't fit into any of my clothes.