Daily check in



  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    If you feel the urge try to message someone or post on here!

    Tomorrow I have lunch plans and I can feel myself trying to justify a binge. Like "I might as well get it out of system and then I will start fresh on Thursday." I'm trying not to give in though. I don't actually have the physical nagging yet, it's mostly just the psychological stuff. So hopefully it won't turn physical. Keep up posted on how your day goes!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Well how about if you give in to a binge you have to watch Caillou. That should help cure many many people of Binge Eating. For the record I have that show locked out on my tv, she somehow finds the show on youtube which I have not found a way to block that yet.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am so glad my son is no longer at the age where he watches Caillou. He did watch it when he was little, and OMG I wanted to scream every time that show came on.

    Nowadays I get to listen to all the YouTube gamers he likes to watch.....
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    Gah I need to stop!!!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I think their evil nanny let her watch it one day. And now she begs to watch it and I lie to her and say it is not on. But yes this is the new punishment for the group if you binge you will be forced to watch Caillou.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Contemplating going to the store and buying a whole cheesecake and eating it all.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I can bake you one.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    mweckler wrote: »
    I can bake you one.

    That would be incredible. I have no idea how to make cheesecake, and my attempts have failed miserably (although I still enjoyed the lumpy cream cheese with sugar mixture). I did okay tonight. I averted the crisis and compromised. I went for frozen yogurt where I knew they had cheesecake bites and I went light on the yogurt and kind of heavy on the toppings. I had more than I should have, but did not binge. Then again, I spent $16 on fro yo (my husband also got some) when I could have gotten a small (crappy) cheesecake for like $6. Oh well, at least I don't hate myself.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I make and sell my cheesecakes through my catering company. It is an easy thing to make. It is a 4:1:1 ratio of cream cheese to sugar to eggs. You blend the cream cheese then add in the sugar and cream them together. Then slowly add in your eggs and blend them on a low speed to make sure not to get a lot of air into the mixture
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Sounds amazing and something I'm incapable of even though it seems straightforward. If ever you're in NY, please let me know and I'd be glad to put you to work!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Why thank you. I can bake freeze and mail you one if you want one that badly lol.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    edited March 2016
    Another binge in the books today. Why can't I like the way my body looks and enjoy food like a normal person?!?!
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Looks like a Caillou marathon for you.

    Honestly though I am sorry you had a binge today. You are not alone though. Can you figure out what triggered the binge?
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    No, not Caillou!! Cut off my right arm or something! Anything but Caillou!

    In all seriousness I try to write down what I'm thinking and narrow down triggers but I really cant pinpoint what set me off. I had a terrible headache, my daughter wouldn't nap, I haven't really seen my husband since Saturday (it's midterms week so he's been pretty much locked in the library) the house is a mess, and I got some unfavorable blood work results from the doctor. Things just kind of pile up. Going to call the counseling center tomorrow to see what the out of pocket cost would be for no insurance. I hate hating myself.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Well do not hate yourself for something that is outside of your control.
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    mweckler wrote: »
    I can bake you one.

    I laughed out loud! That's evil!!!

    Not only did I binge today, I also gave in and drank a HUGE can of Mike's Hard Lemonade. I'm home with a sick kid and I have cabin fever so bad that I hung laundry on the clothesline just to be outside :-/

    Got the kitten named, though. Claude Hoover Bukowski. Fans of the musical Hair will get that :-)

  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I make awesome cheesecakes. I even went so far as to figure out how to make Oreo cream filling and I turn that into an icing for my Oreo cheesecakes.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Msty, you should definitely go to the counseling center and see what's available. There might be something worth looking into.

    I think I'm going to have a bad day. This is why:
    - I have two eating disorder related appointments today that I'm nervous about.
    - I have lunch plans, therefore anticipate bingeing afterward.
    - I ate some of my binge foods for breakfast and now I feel guilty although I didn't binge. This is too much info but my stomach is being weird so I'm afraid if I eat more, I'll get diarrhea when I'm on the train and I have to leave in a half hour (basically the prospect of diarrhea prevented a binge woohoo!)
    - I literally dreamt about bingeing on cheesecake last night.
    - I just started soaking a huge batch of tapioca. Tapioca pudding is one of my weaknesses and something I tend to make in big batches when I am bingeing.

    My food week starts in Saturday. I'm really going to try to get it together before then, but I have made concrete plans eating related starting that day. I'm going to try to keep things in check today.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Ab stay calm and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and relax, find a nice quiet space and take a few deep relaxing breaths in and out. Forget about the lunch, forget about the appointments, take today one step at a time. You are already setting yourself up for failure. Food is a scary thing and sadly we need food to live, so we just can not stop eating, and we should not have to stop living our lives because of fear of food.

    So stop with the bad day thinking, take a few minutes to start the day over, take a little break from life for a minute, hide in a closet if you have nowhere else to go. Tell yourself you are better than this, stronger than this, and do not beat yourself up too badly if you trip up and fall into a binge today. We are all here for support, so if you feel like you need to talk reach out to one of us, send us a message.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    msty112 wrote: »
    No, not Caillou!! Cut off my right arm or something! Anything but Caillou!

    In all seriousness I try to write down what I'm thinking and narrow down triggers but I really cant pinpoint what set me off. I had a terrible headache, my daughter wouldn't nap, I haven't really seen my husband since Saturday (it's midterms week so he's been pretty much locked in the library) the house is a mess, and I got some unfavorable blood work results from the doctor. Things just kind of pile up. Going to call the counseling center tomorrow to see what the out of pocket cost would be for no insurance. I hate hating myself.

    So from what I am seeing like me stress is the start of a trigger. I had the same thing happen Friday work was crazy my kids were nuts, it was a stress filled stress ball rolled in stress filled stress. Are you on facebook? There is a B.E.D group ran by a woman named Vania she is very helpful, I do not know what her credentials are but she has some posts and I believe she has written a few blog posts, and maybe even a book. But if you can not afford the out of pocket expense of counselling that may be a secondary resource for you.
    Things get out of hand and pile up very quickly, and then when it all comes tumbling down, the resulting landslide usually leads to some kind of binge. I wish I was a professional counsellor or knew someone who did pro-bono work in this field I could recommend you to. Hmmm let me know if you are unable to find someone, I may have an idea.