NoIdea103 Member


  • Turning 30 on the 9th and I've decided my theme for my thirties is 'living my best life', which for me means dropping 30lbs and getting fit! I'm kicking off my 30th with a 5k park run with my boyfriend - first time I've done one in years and I'm not a regular runner so this could be painful.
  • I work in an office, spend most of it sitting at my desk. I make sure I get plenty of walking in to and from work, deliberately taking a longer route and leaving earlier so I can get that in. I've also found a gym on my route home which I can pop into and do a class a couple of times a week or use the equipment - even half…
  • This may be something absolutely not relevant, but i'm going to chuck it in their anyway as an example of how it can really help to 'know' your body; it sounds like you are craving salty, carby foods and I ALWAYS get that the day after drinking, or if I am overly tired. Are you drinking in the evenings, or are you getting…
  • I have a habit of wanting to eat more in the evenings; I have quite a busy job so don't really have time to focus so much on food, but in the evenings when I finally get to relax I like to enjoy food as a part of that. Like others have said I make sure I keep my calories lower throughout the day so I have a decent amount…
  • Yeah, i'm exactly the same; when I lost weight a few years ago I would see a pretty consistent loss every week. These days I've recognised I won't lose anything for three/four weeks and then drop between 2/3lbs seemingly overnight. It's frustrating when you don't see any movement whatsoever (or maybe even little gains) but…
  • I seriously admire anyone could be so open and be fine with it. I am so ridiculously sensitive about my weight! I have gained about 40lbs since I first met my partner (although I was 97lbs and pretty ill) and it has really started to get to me recently. He is absolutely lovely, and whenever I moan about the weight i've…
  • Yep, one of those right here. Went from overweight to 97lbs before I recovered. Took me two years to fully recover from 3 years of anorexia, and it is quite common for those recovering anorexia to develop binge eating disorder (like I did). So I'm now 143lbs again, technically overweight, and am here instead to help me…
  • Yeah, let's do it! My strategy is very much just calories in / calories out. I'm aiming to lose a pound a week at least (I have 30lbs to lose). My partner decided that to try and force himself to eat more veggies he wants to eat vegetarian during the week, so I'm joining him in that, then meat at the weekends. I pre-plan…
  • I'm in! I've prepared my meals for the week ahead. The only possible 'problematic' area will be the fact that I am off to a hen party this weekend which will involve a lot of drinking on the Saturday night so fingers crossed I can stay disciplined and not let it break my stride - good luck everyone!
  • Also 5ft 3 and on 1200, open diary so feel free to add me :)
  • We can do this!!
  • You can totally do this! Feel free to add me if you would like a motivation friend :)
  • Feel free to add me too - we'll take it one day at a time :)