xblue07 Member


  • Hi, my name is Maria. I'm down to a fluctuating 200-205 and breastfeeding a 3 month old. I also have a 17 month old toddler. My goal is to get down to 150 by September, but I'm hoping to get down to 175 by the beginning of summer. I ended my most recent pregnancy at 230 in the end of November so I've already come a good…
  • I breastfeed because it's free! I also love being able to bond with my squish, and washing bottles isn't fun. I lost my supply early with my oldest because my diet and water consumption were terrible. But I'm glad to be able to have made it 3 months with my youngest now and hopefully we make it to at least 6.
  • I've had a bad relationship with food for years and it's gone everywhere from binge eating to heavy restricting. Just because you're a healthy weight doesn't mean you can't have an eating disorder. Definitely find a professional so you can get some help working through things before it escalates. Feel free to friend me if…
  • Yeah I know it sounds a little weird, but my mom would slice up a couple grapes and sprinkle cinnamon on top as opposed to adding granulated sugar or anything to sweeten.
  • I always took clean eating as to mean low processed foods and eating as whole and healthy as possible. Like grilling a chicken breast versus eating a chicken patty or eating plain traditional oatmeal with fresh grapes versus the flavored instant varieties. That was the lifestyle change my mom made and it worked very well…
  • Feel free to add me too! Eating clean worked very well for my mom when she lost weight and I just recently hopped back on the wagon. I'm still finding my way, but I've also found that eating clean is much cheaper than eating processed foods in the long run.
  • Count me in! So far I'm at 1L of water and it's just after 12pm. I try to drink 4 of my 800 mL jug a day. I'm nursing so water is super important for me. Can we add this to our challenges? How do we do that if so?