misstori4 Member


  • It is so nice that we start new challenges every week. Especially after a long weekend of indulgences and not a lot of exercise. Egypt here we come! My goal is to do the belly dance and those stairs! And to log everything I eat everyday. That one will be a challenge. If I eat well I log it, but if I don't eat well I don't…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Hi everyone! I got up before the kids on Tuesday and Wednesday to workout this week. That is a huge accomplishment. I was also inspired to try asparagus and mozzerella cheese in my scrambled eggs. It turned out really yummy, my 18month old even ate it. Way to go Ruffa on the Zumba! That's what I did on Tuesday. 75 minutes…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Hard boiled egg in an egg slicer + 1 mashed avacado + salt = yummy egg salad! Plus you get your healthy fat for the day. Better than mayo
  • Wow Jenniferblack129 way to go! ruffalicious, that salad sounds yummy! Friday: did 30 min Zumba after the kids went to bed. This team really motivated me to do that. Sat I taught 2 1/2 hour dance classes (it's not at all strenuous, but it is still excercise in my opinion.) Today I did the Irish dancing woohoo (as a dancer…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • I can't find the board that has the link for the dances, can someone direct me?
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Hi all! Monday-red apple, Tuesday- green peas, Wednesday-white banana, Thursday -blue/purple blueberries, Friday-orange carrots. Woohoo I did it right?! Thanks for that post on what color was what, i didn't know a banana was "white" haha I have not been putting my food in my diary this week. I need to get on that. I AM…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Monday apple -red, Tuesday peas -green. I wish I have been to Ireland, but I havent. Monday and Tuesday were not so great, at least I teach dance classes those days so that counts right? Went for a walk today and I am trying to count my calories today. Way to go Haswlrs on doing all the dances! I need to do them with my…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Ireland!! Love Ireland. It is inspiring to start new goals this week.
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Anyone fall of the bandwagon over the weekend? I sure did. Baby shower Friday night with lots of yummy food, no exercise or logging my food today and yesterday. Need to get back on track. Weekends are a big struggle for me.
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Way to go team!! Summ72: you're hard core! Shaunie126: Me too; it is amazing how so little can make you feel better. Eating greek yogurt right now, and putting my food in my diary now. I actually lifted some weights today. I haven't done that in a while.
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Hey everyone, hope you had a great day. I took another walk with the dog and toddler today, enjoying the nice weather. I did the dance tonight with my daughters! The baby kept trying to clap when we did. My hubby took a video which is funny, but it is too big to "send" it somewhere. Ah technology. By the time we figure it…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Hello Wildflowers! I know I am starting a bit late, I do apologize. This is all new to me; there are so many aspects to this challenge. Hopefully I will get the hang of it. My name is Tori, I am a 32yr old STAHM to four kiddos. I lost the pregnancy (my youngest is 18months) weight last year with weight watchers, but I…
    in Team 4 Comment by misstori4 March 2016
  • Please add me! I am new to all of this but it sounds fun!
  • Just curious, as it is extremely rare for generic to not work vs generic, do you know why it didn't work for you? Was it a certain excipient in the generic?[/quote] Hi, my name is Tori. I was diagnosed with hashimotos last year, and I am on a different name brand of synthroid called levoxyl. My friend said that her doc…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Tori. I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids ages 11 to 18months. I am 32, 5"4' and weigh 150. I lost the baby weight last year doing weight watchers but never lost those last 10 lbs. I have hypothyroidism and am on medication, but I have been feeling awful since october. My primary ran tests and says I…