@BeautifulBadass - thanks too. 4 days into IF (eating window - 12pm - 9pm) I'm slowly grasping actual hunger. It's been difficult especially mid-morning I'll keep you posted how I fair.
@RoxieDawn - thanks once more for the post. You guessed right in terms me wanting to stick rigiDly to a regime. Indeed I have to realise flexibility is important in my nutrition. I've looked as adjustments regarding healthy options I could add to my meals e.g. avocados in my lettuce, cucumber and tuna salad or muller light…
Thanks everyone for the replies @afatpersonwholikesfood - I can look at toning down the number of workouts in a week as indeed the workout might not be sustainable in the long term. As for binge eating having gone through all the replies I agree I need to improve my attitude especially when it comes to eating in the…
I just uploaded my first thread ( and I already have my motivation levels increased.
Wow wow wow!!! Amazing!!!! I just followed your Instgram handle - I'm monari.a BTW (new IG)