kfrankiewitz Member


  • I have something wrong with my gi tract and no doctor can figure out what's happening. I'll spare the gory details, but one of the symptoms is abdominal extension....I could blow up and look like I was 9 mos pregnant within an hour. One of the specialists told me my weight was the problem...I was 5-10 lbs over weight at…
  • It's really hard to follow your own advice. I definitely know how to do it but I need more willpower, too. My co-workers bring in treats a lot...I try to ignore them and usually do pretty well, but there's always chocolate, chips and candy around. My weakness!
  • I'm Canadian too! From Regina, Sk. Not much into hockey but love my Jays, Riders and curling.
  • Hello...everyone on this post, please feel free to add me, too! My name is Karen and I would like to lose about 40ish. I need lots of motivation and support, too. I know what has to be done, now I just have to do it.
  • Hi...I'm in the same boat as you! I lost and then gained it all plus more! We'll get there!
  • Thanks for the support everyone! One day at a time and we'll get there!