
Just curious what your biggest obstacle is to weight loss...maybe we can help each other with tips?

Mine are definitely portioning and being really hard on myself if I slip up...which seems to happen a lot:(
I've also been unable to get into any exercise habit.
I like to walk, and walk my dog every day, but I can't seem to find anything else I can get into.

Last time I did MFP I also did a Beaubody program where I worked out every day. I did great for awhile but eventually hit the wall. I also took a class at our fitness centre that showed us how to use elliptical a, etc.... Not my thing.

Would love to hear from others...I'm sure I'm not alone


  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Worrying if I'm going to fit on any rides this year! I wanna ride Bizarro / Superman SO bad.
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    My biggest challenge is portion control and mindless eating when I'm at home alone.

    For working out, I've found it most useful to join a gym/class, especially for strength training. I've met a lot of great people, that I only see at the gym/class. If I don't go, I don't get to know what's going on with them, and when I do return, I have someone to answer to. I also found that the classes are motivating because I don't want to be the only one that doesn't do that last rep, etc. Plus, I don't have to keep track of how many reps I've done, or decide what I want to do next.
  • rmtrn
    rmtrn Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that my biggest obstacle is finding time for myself. I live in a rural area and trying to find a class, etc with my timeframe is difficult. Plus people think I should know what to do to lose weight, I do; but I don't follow my own advice!
  • kfrankiewitz
    kfrankiewitz Posts: 8 Member
    It's really hard to follow your own advice. I definitely know how to do it but I need more willpower, too. My co-workers bring in treats a lot...I try to ignore them and usually do pretty well, but there's always chocolate, chips and candy around. My weakness!
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    cravings. ;/