rldeclercq4 Member


  • Were similar: I started at 367 and am down to 227, so 140 lbs lost. I also have a wordpress blog out there somewhere that I never told anyone about, but mostly just decided to journal privately about my weight loss journey. I started that journal entitled “How I Lost 100 lbs” in March of 2013 but didn’t get serious about…
  • I delete the steps/negative calorie adjustment as well and try not to eat my exercise calories back. Been losing consistent while my body is shaping up nicely. No complaints
  • Bi’s, tri’s, obliques for about 25 minutes then a 3 mile run
  • I completed C25K a couple years ago and then went into C210K and then got married and my exercise kinda fell off and everntuslly picked C25K back up around week 4/5 because I knew I was still “fit” enough to be beyond having to start over from scratch. It’s a great program. I’m still running up to 3x a week for 3 miles…
  • Others can’t will you to lose weight. You have to want to do it yourself. Most of my family is a healthy weight and decently fit, except for mom and myself. I was 367 lbs Jan. 2016 but after fighting for it for 3+years I’m down 140lbs to 227. I’m doing it because I finally was willing to put in the hard work and have the…
  • Conversation with my wife this morning when I was leaving for work: Her “what jeans are you wearing? Turn around?” Me “why? You wanna check out my butt?” Her “yep. Also, those jeans are too big.” Me “I know. The belt is cinching up it pretty tightly.” Her “and that shirt is too big too.” Me “well, it’s what I have in he…
  • 3M Transpore Clear 1-Inch Wide First Aid Tape, 10-Yard Roll (2 Rolls) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005OFM6JE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_A2C0Cb0RRQQFS
  • If I’m going to go for a run longer than 4 miles I put medical tape (3M product, clear and has a bit of grip) over my nipples. Goes on easy and does the job perfectly. Hurts peeling it off though.
  • 25.6 lbs February of 2016. I started at 367 though so between water weight and massive amount of excess weight available to lose it fell of quickly. Was also pretty diligently consuming 1200-1400 calories a day and was starting to exercise moderately 5-6 days a week. So what is normal? Kinda depends on a lot of factors,…
  • I wore size 34 black jeans to work today. Why is this an NSV? Because I haven’t worn size 34 in years... perhaps in high school but that was half a lifetime ago. Also, I’m not the best dresser so but I had the confidence to pull off something “edgy” like black jeans
  • I’m wearing a t shirt I’ve wanted to wear for a long time. My wife got it for my maybe 18-24 months ago. It says “Texas Forever” across the front. Only had layovers in Texas but I love the show Friday Nights Lights, and fans of the show know what I’m talking about
  • I think the brand is “So Delicious” - now diary ice creams. We’ve tried two cashew milk and one coconut milk style. Pass on the Coconut milk. The cashew milk Dark Chocolate truffle is actually VERY tasty. Its less calories than traditional diary based ice creams and tastes way better than Halo Top, etc low cal style ice…
  • I was able to fit into size 34 jeans for the first time in who knows how long... college maybe...high school?
  • Trying to get under 230 for good (within the next 7-10 days).
  • Ran my first 10K race today! Finished just under 54 minutes
  • On the left (about 4ish years ago) fat and perpetually single. On the right (last weekend) semi-decent looking with my wife and two month old baby girl 😊
  • I’ve been fluctuating within the 230s for 10 days or so and hoping to get below 230 for the first time in 2+ years, so I’ll set a mini goal of 232 (234.6 this morning) and then 229. Tomorrow morning I’m running in a 10K race for the first time and I’m actually pretty excited. I’ve been diligently increasing my distance the…
  • To be less judgy - you never know where people are in their life journey... and this isn’t just about weight loss. Someone acts like a jerk in public or a work environment? Maybe their spouse was recently diagnosed with cancer and they’re really struggling to cope with it. You never know what people are going through.
  • I haven’t worked out or logged for nearly a week and I’m feeling great about it because my baby girl was born early Thursday morning and she’s perfect and taking care of her is way more fun and important than logging meals and getting in a workout for the time being.
  • I was between 250-300 when I started working jump roping into my workout routine. I couldn’t really go more than about a minute at a time. Now I’m hovering around 240 and do it near the end of most of my workouts. I do it for 10 minutes as follows: go as long as I possibly can and then once I lose it I take a 30 second…
  • Squats, then biceps, triceps, obliques, shoulders, jump rope, and finished with another round of bicep and triceps. 70 minutes incl 5min warm up/cool down on the treadmill. 90mins water polo tonight
  • Bench press, squat, lat pull down, dumbbell chest press, bent over barbell rows - haven’t done squats for about a month so gonna be pretty sore tomorrow 😬
  • Beef jerky is great. Though if you have a concern with sugar content in dried fruit you might have the same concern with sodium in jerky. Seasoned popcorn is a favorite of mine as well. Pretzel sticks are great because a serving size is actually a bit more than you might think and is typically 100-120 calories depending on…
  • Still not 100% recovered from being sick - so doing about 3 miles on the treadmill at a slight incline on my lunch break.
  • Nothing...I’m still sick 😭😭
  • I get why free weights would be imposing. I’ve been there. But I think there is a ton of value in some dumbbell chest press, bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. I would recommend just watching some people who look experience and mimicking them but at a weight you can handle. The more you do it the more comfortable it will…
  • Non-scale victory. Where we celebrate all the other wins related to our health and well-being that aren’t a number on a scale
  • To recap my weekend: Friday: 5k run and bench/back lift on my lunch break and then water polo after work (1.5 hours) Saturday: 9 mile hike with my dad for his birthday Sunday: water polo (2 hours) Today: bicep, tricep, shoulders, jump rope during my lunch break
  • I’m a pretty picky eater and right now my wife is 39 weeks pregnant (gonna pop any minute) but the plan is for her to stay home so well be on a single income. I don’t love veggies but I eat them. My wife compromises by being willing to have things like carrots and spinach in stock much more than cucumber and bell peppers…