You are gorgeous what ever your feeling do not ever let it get to the point where you can't take your children swimming or to the park etc you are rarely perceived the way you think you are, you will only ever regret the things you didn't do , rarely do we beat our selves up about the things we did do because there past…
I know exactly what you mean the anxiety kicks in and it's much easier to hide away I only go out with my partner now and he works away a lot so I spend a lot of my time in the house even when we're out if he walks off the panic sets in. Have you tried CBT cognitive behaviourial therapy? X
@ shopaholic it's comforting to know I'm not alone in this it's difficult to find someone who understands what your going on about most people just think ya mad
BDD is body dysmorphic disorder, you tend to obsess over a particular part of your body which consumes your day to day life,closely linked with obsessive compulsive disorder.
I get what you mean I've seen my gp but the answer seems to be lots of anti depressants which I personally don't see helping the underlined issue. I'm finding going out in public to be a huge issue at the moment have you experienced this?