JasmineEN_ Member


  • You will always lose weight in a caloric deficit. Weigh your food on a kitchen scale.
  • @Clarewho depending on the intensity of your training, the calories that were burnt will vary. Personally, this is an accurate amount for myself. I have tailored MFP personally in a way which I do not need to input my caloric output from exercising.
  • I'm open to talking!
  • I actually find that MFP has a lot of wines on there already. All I do is scan the barcode on the bottle and it always comes up! :smile:
  • You need a rest day when training. Your muscles need a break and time to recuperate. I usually do something like on those days like Pilates or yoga.
  • Personally, I don't record my exercises in MFP. it's far too complicated to find out exactly how many calories you're burning per exercise as each exercise is different, as are the weight, etc. I'm 5'9" at 154 pounds. During about an hour of strength training, not including cardio, I'd say I burn AT LEAST 600 calories in…
  • I've been on birth control (Alesse-generic brand) for about 5/6 years now. When I first started taking it I did notice an increase in weight, which is normal. But it's still possible to lose weight! Continue exercising and keeping within Your caloric limits, but more importantly watch out for the fat and sodium content.…