m3lodym4ker Member


  • Daily because, like others have said, it helps me understand my body's patterns. But I also calculate a weekly average after Saturday weigh-in. I use that to make sure I'm meeting my weekly goals. I take measurements and pictures at end of each month.
  • When I realized that a year and a half after moving to a high elevation area I still couldn't catch my breath after walking up a single flight of stairs. I was well past the acclimation period, so it was definitely my physical condition to blame.
  • Congrats on the victory! Lockdown has been unexpectedly great for me. I started managing my diet in January, but had not incorporated exercise. I hate mornings with a fiery passion, but my commute was leaving me drained in the evenings. Now that I work from home permanently, I added new equipment to my home gym, and have…