COVID lockdown success

ellyseb1 Posts: 49 Member
After 10+ weeks of working (and working out) at home with no access to a gym, I managed to lose 2 pounds! I've been back in the office now for 3 weeks and started a new habit of packing my lunch everyday - much healthier than the options in the cafeteria.

It's a small victory, but when the lockdown started, I was really worried about how I would cope. Anyone else have a silver lining in this terrible time?


  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    This is the first time I’ve committed properly to calorie counting which is so much easier when I can track and measure exactly what I’m eating, rather than just give up when I’m eating out or other people offer me food. In some ways that’s a little sad, but I think it’s what I need right now, and I’m enjoying finding new ways to socialise which don’t revolve around eating! Before the pandemic, my default socialising was often meeting up for coffee and cake, but now it’s a local walk - that’s a definite win!

    I relate to this. I'm doing well now, but my greatest challenge is going to be how I 'reintegrate into food society.'

    Future problem!
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    Lock down has been a miniature lose-gain-lose cycle for me. When we first went into lockdown, before Easter (when I was off chocolate and alcohol for Lent) I was back down to 81kg, which puts me at the very top of my normal bmi range. Then I completely binged on Easter chocolate and my weight shot up to over 88kg which is about as high as it has ever been (195lb). Then I bought a ballet barre and a rowing machine and started to lose again. I was doing really well and then was allowed to travel to be back with my husband. Weight loss has slowed down (it's harder to keep the exercise up and the alcohol calories down when I am with my wine-connoisseur husband). At present, I am back down to just above 84kg and aiming to make it to 83.5kg in the next week.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Yep both me and my husband lost weight during lock down - not that I was trying to with being in maintenance for years but we did so many projects around the house it was a nice side effect. And hubby lost 20lbs although since he's been back at work now 4 weeks he's already gained back 5...
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    edited July 2020
    Lockdown has been pretty good to me. Weight loss stalled for a bit but I’m now down 9 kg from 1 March (from 107kg to 98kg).

    More importantly I have worked on my fitness.

    - I started C25K in April and now regularly run up to 7km three times per week.
    - I managed to more strongly commit to daily yoga during WFH
    - I have found more time to play padel tennis due to furlough and averaged 3h per week

    I’m a little bit concerned about how to balance my days once they start filling up with work again 😊
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    edited July 2020
    wonderchu wrote: »
    Well, food became less appealing when I lost my taste so I dropped 13lbs pretty quickly :D Didn't think I'd ever be in the situation of trying to keep my weight up!

    I really hope you are OK and have recovered well.
  • wonderchu
    wonderchu Posts: 53 Member
    charmmeth wrote: »
    wonderchu wrote: »
    Well, food became less appealing when I lost my taste so I dropped 13lbs pretty quickly :D Didn't think I'd ever be in the situation of trying to keep my weight up!

    I really hope you are OK and have recovered well.

    I appreciate that and I'm just fine, thank you :) I still don't have much taste but I didn't have any other symptoms for the most part so I count myself lucky.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,326 Member
    I agree that losing anything now is not a small victory especially given how most are putting on 15-16 pounds. I was just turning around a regain when we got our stay at home order. My main source of exercise was Aquafit and of course the gym/pool closed. I have knee problems and had to find land exercise that didn't hurt it. I too was concerned about my weight with the threat of covid-19. So I just found a way to lose and exercise. I am still struggling with the later. But I managed to lose 16 pounds added to the 16 pounds many gained I think it could be seen as a 32 lb victory. I lost what I had regained and kept going. I have much more to lose. I am on temporary furlough still. My work is in phased opening so I am waiting to hear when/if I will go back to work since there will be lay offs. I plan to work at home if possible.

    What helped was making healthy food at home, getting more sleep, concentrating on drinking more water and a supportive thread on here. Not having a commute was helpful. The loss has slowed but is continuing. With the loss of work I lost routine which is important. I started a bullet journal on OneNote. That helped.

    Yes June was cool in Seattle but March and April were unseasonable warm and beautiful. May was a mixed bag. Hope we have a nice July and you are much better @deepsea117.
  • thelastnightingale
    thelastnightingale Posts: 725 Member
    @miriams76 Well done, the weight loss is really obvious. :)
  • m3lodym4ker
    m3lodym4ker Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats on the victory!

    Lockdown has been unexpectedly great for me. I started managing my diet in January, but had not incorporated exercise. I hate mornings with a fiery passion, but my commute was leaving me drained in the evenings. Now that I work from home permanently, I added new equipment to my home gym, and have been consistently getting in 6 workouts a week. Now I can get in a workout as soon as I'm motivated (usually midday for me), and my dogs are getting more exercise too. Lost 22 lb. since Jan, the bulk of that since the pandemic started.

    *high fives all around*
  • worsthorse
    worsthorse Posts: 73 Member
    I've been in stay-at-home mode now since mid-february and, at least for getting back to regular exercise and a workable diet, it has been a good thing. i've lost thirty pounds (twenty-seven of it after the pandemic rules went into effect) and i am working out four to six days a week again. the big changes? realizing that being out of the habit of eating well and exercising elevated my risk profile for covid (not to mention diabetes, etc).

    The other big change? Not going out to eat or ordering take out, which i was doing way more than i'd like to admit. Preparing all of my meals (or almost all, as i've had take out three times in the last five months) again and being mindful of ingredients and portion sizes, i am much less likely to eat a lot of high calorie, low quality stuff.

    So far, i haven't had to impose any rigid restrictions on what i eat and i am still a member of the clean plate club; the plates are just smaller and healthier these days. :) That said, I am pretty sure the next ten pounds are going to be harder than the first thirty but that is how it goes.

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