BrandyGanus Member


  • Yes, that was the point. These are the pitfalls (not drinking enough milk or ingesting too much caffeine) and they should be avoided since the research hasn't definitively shown that sodas cause bone density problems. The person before asked for studies, so I provided them. =)
  • I found another article from a study stating there is not much difference in eating one meal a day versus several meals per day. Good to know that the doctor was incorrect. Thanks for the information! I need "the more you know" rainbow now. ;)
  • No fat is BAD for you. In excess, every type of lipid will have deleterious effects on the body, saturated or unsaturated. So, yes, excessive polyunsaturated fats CAN cause inflammation in the body. But like most things, a balanced variety is important.
  • Can I be an honorary Canadian? I'm in Texas but my mother and grandmother are from Canada and I wish I could move up north!
  • Yep. I would eat first or pick something decent from the menu. I boycotted McDonald's a long time ago. I refuse to eat or drink there. But I ate Five Guys last night. I still had a caloric deficit even if it was only by 56 calories. Plus I exercised afterwards, so that made me feel better about it. lol. But I try not to do…
  • Oh yeah, I forgot about olives since I'm not a huge fan. I can eat them mixed into a dish but not by themselves, but I love olive oil. Weird.
  • Cleveland Clinic article that basically says that coffee and soda CAN lower your bone density because people don't drink milk too. Phosphoric acid in sodas (not chicken or certain cheeses) leaches calcium from the bones so you need to balance the sodas with milk or calcium supplements (mainly for women). National…
  • Please increase your calories to 1400 - 1600. This will give you the nutrition you need and not starve your body. Being skinny won't mean much if you're not healthy too!
  • I don't know about this. Most of the literature I've read states that eating smaller, frequent meals is better.
  • I will dig through my old textbooks but I was pretty sure my professor emphasized this to show us why there is a rise in obesity. But it's been a few years since the class, so perhaps I'm remembering it incorrectly.
  • It's not as black and white as you would make it. Counting calories is important overall, but the details matter. Yes, excess calories will be converted to fat. I suppose I want to emphasize that nutrition is also important, not just counting calories.
  • I'm just here for the comments. hahaha so funny.
  • I pre-log the night before as well. I'm okay with switching things up, but this gives me an idea of where my calories are coming from and what to eat when I get hungry (I have bad cases of hangry if I let myself get too hungry and then I can't even think or make decisions).
  • Hey, Claudia. I had your problem when I was your age. When I was your age, I was extremely active and ate voraciously but I still wasn't eating enough to compensate for the exercise I was doing. Logging your food and exercise would help you see what it is that you can adjust. If your intake calories are consistently higher…
  • West Texas here. -_-
  • I didn't realize how little water I was drinking until I started logging. I struggle to get through all 64 ounces some days and other days, I exceed it by quite a bit. That being said, I do feel better when I drink enough water. To avoid edema, you need to keep salt down and increase your water. Water equalizes the…
  • I've been eating oatmeal every day but MFP states that the Sprouts bulk oatmeal is only giving me about 180 calories (and that's with milk added). I add fruit and brown sugar to it and it usually only brings it to about 250.
  • First of all, what is your "diet"? What are you eating and how much are you exercising? These factor into losing weight. Try not to restrict yourself too much or you will lose steam. You want this to be sustainable, not impossible. Second, try not to weigh yourself very often. I'm doing it once a month but you could do it…
  • Hi! You can get down to 110 from 125 but it will be slower than 1.5 pounds per week. You should have a goal of about 0.5 pound per week. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's the healthiest way. Cardio is good for burning high calories in a short amount of time. Jogging, swimming and bicycling all burn over…
  • For abs, I do a circuit of bicycle crunches, planks, cherry pickers, and leg lifts (20 reps per side, 30 second hold, 20 reps per side and 30 second hold). Do this for 30 minutes. You will like the results! Squats are good and you can work out your arms while you do the squats. Use a can of vegetables in each hand as a…
  • Yes, what cwolfman13 said. Animal meat and animal products contain high amounts of saturated fat. So reduce your consumption of these items. Here is a list of foods high in polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats (the good fats): Avocados nuts and seeds Atlantic mackerel herring sardines bluefish salmon (pink, chinook,…
  • The smaller you are, the slower the weight loss will be; but you should notice your body changing. And 5 pounds in 4 weeks is great! Good job! Don't be so hard on yourself - you did well! I would encourage you to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories per day. I'm worried that you're not getting enough calories, especially since…
  • Oh. I had my check in with my doctor today, and I'm down 5.5 pounds in 3 weeks. My doctor was very happy and told me that my insulin levels will drop if I keep this up.
  • Jonathan, I can empathize with your situation. At the beginning of February, my doctor told me that my insulin levels were high and I could be pre-diabetic so I need to lose weight and watch what I eat. I have been using the My Fitness Pal calorie counter and exercise log to plan meals and exercise. It's a great tool to…
  • Walking 3 hours a week is amazing! Good job! I know that's tough! Keep in mind that depending on how quickly you walk, you only burn 200 (2mph) to 400 (4mph) calories in one hour. So that's a total of 600 - 1200 calories per week. To lose 1 pound, you should burn 3500 calories (about 3500 calories = 1 lb fat). So, at your…
  • Usually, I compromise instead of "cheat". I try to balance it out with the rest of the week and I don't feel bad or guilty afterwards. I had nachos at Carino's and a Jr. Cheeseburger at Five Guys today. I only burned 200 calories and still had a small caloric deficit, but my saturated fat, sodium and sugar were over (but…
  • apparently, i don't know how to do this internet forum thing...
  • Ah, I see. I think you have the right idea to try healthier sweets. I tend towards fruit and dark chocolate. If you pair 72% dark chocolate with oranges, it's amazing! Fruits are always a good option for a sweet treat. I don't know anything about baking with alternative sweeteners and I prefer the original stuff anyway. I…
  • 2010 calories seems pretty high to me... Are you hungry? Or just trying to reach your caloric goals? Because if you're not hungry, don't eat. These are healthy high-calorie foods: avocado nut butters nuts & seeds cheese yogurt If you want sweets, choose your favorite desserts but have a smaller portion (or measure out the…