PlaceboFX Member


  • Prettt average sized bowl...? You know I’m talking about a half cup of dry oatmeal, right? And that it puffs up and absorbs the chicken stock?
  • Ordinary I’d agree, but with the mushrooms and spinach to bulk it up, it almost completely filled my bowl! I was stuffed afterwards!
  • Hello Julie! One thing I’ve been struggling to learn and accept during the past year and a half since my chronic illness diagnosis is how to trust God, even when things don’t go our way. It’s something I’ll still working on. Feel free to send me a friend request, maybe we can be encouragement for each other. :)
  • Oh man, I'd tell you if I could! But my weight loss was nowhere near linear. There were periods I was eating 1200 calories a day or less (do NOT recommend), I did intermittent fasting for a time, briefly tried keto, etc. I can tell you the best thing I ever did for my fitness though was to start lifting more than I do…
  • I actually don't do flies too often because they're a little uncomfortable. I've done them on a bench and on the floor, and definitely prefer the floor. But I get sore in my armpits even after just bench presses! I think I've gotta really work on my form. I haven't really considered how wide to have my grip! Well, today…
  • Oh, and to answer your question, I generally do chest with shoulders and triceps. I used to split each muscle group into its own day, but nowadays it's a lot harder for me to get to the gym, so I can only do 3-4 days a week. So on those days, I'll actually start with my chest and do 10 reps/3-5 sets of incline dumbbell…
  • Ugh, therein lies part of the problem. I go to stupid Planet Fitness, because it's all we can afford right now, and their barbells only go up to 60lbs. If you wanna go higher, you have to use the smith machine bench presses, which I've heard are pretty useless. Are dumbbell presses just as effective though? Because those…
  • I've been stuck at about 60 pounds on my bench press, which I know isn't particularly impressive. I dunno if I need to try a bulk or not to increase that weight.
  • Oh my goodness yes, the left is very close to my chest. Though I think mine's even a little more prominent. Unfortunately I DO store fat right above my belly button, just this little pouch. That's a super inspiring before and after though. You look amazing!! What are your favorite chest exercises?
  • At my heaviest I was close to 200 pounds. My weight loss was not linear, I had several failed weight loss attempts over the next couple years, where I'd drop 5-15 pounds, then fall completely off the wagon. Eventually it finally stuck and I made a full lifestyle change. I'm now around 143.
  • That's actually almost exclusively what I do 5 days a week! I've put on substantial muscle, just nothing noticeable in my stomach.
  • Add me! Always love having more friends on here! I'm currently lifting heavy 5 days a week, and not tracking my calories. Will start my cutting phase sometime in January and will start tracking again.
  • Always love more friends! Add me, everyone!
  • I struggle with disordered eating, so I know where you're coming from. It's so hard sometimes, but this community is amazing!
  • Southern California, about 60 miles north of LA.
  • I agree with what CMNVA said. I've gone through this each time I've begun the weight loss process (I'm a bit of a yo-yoer. Not good, I know.) I'll lose crazy amounts of weight the first week, and think "hot dog, this is gonna be so easy!", then the next week I won't lose anything. Sometimes I'll even gain back a pound or…
  • I second everything everyone else has said so far about not depriving yourself. But something else I'd like to mention is that your cravings will slowly go away. I was a HARDCORE junk food junkie. Craved it all the time. After a couple months of significantly cutting back, those cravings are pretty much gone. Stick with…
  • Having a community on here makes a HUUUGE difference! Makes you look forward to logging in. :) You can do this!
  • When you finally fit into those adorable one-size-fits-most tights or leggings!
  • The more the merrier! :) I've found that having such a community of friends on here really helps me stay on track. So please, request away!
  • Hi Mizz! I'm new here too. Let's kick fat's big, jiggly butt!!
  • Oh man, really? That sucks! Yeah, I might talk to my doctor. I didn't experience any appetite increase, thankfully, but the water retention would make a lot of sense. I should probably clarify that I basically let myself go around 18-19. I had to cancel my gym membership, began stress eating, and I also went on an…
  • I've been keeping pretty good track of what I'm eating, and the calories in and out. I AM on birth control. Do you think that could be causing problems? :( I didn't really gain any weight with it, but could it make weight loss difficult?