hellonurse54 Member


  • I love PB😍 I seriously can’t not have it in my life. So I find that the Keto Diet works well for me and PB. I choose the natural variety, no added sugar! It keeps it lower carb. Paleo Diet says no PB, I was bummed to see that lol. My husband doesn’t understand my serious love for PB. I also use PB 2, it’s good for making…
  • People with metabolic difficulties can have issues with carbs. Some people are carb sensitive. You just need to choose the correct balance of carbs, proteins and fats for you. I tend to be very sensitive to carbs, so I keep them lower and choose the helpful ones. It has made a big difference for my weight loss. Everyone is…
  • I started Keto 3 days ago😁 I’m happy to say, it’s better than I thought! I went into Ketosis the next day. MCT oil is a great helper! Also I have Ketone Strips to check if I’m in Ketosis and at what level. Optimal, High or Negative. I just weighed myself and I was happy that I dropped 5 pounds since my start. I read that…
  • Thank You Everyone!! :#