Not getting enough calories because afraid of carbs



  • hellonurse54
    hellonurse54 Posts: 5 Member
    People with metabolic difficulties can have issues with carbs. Some people are carb sensitive. You just need to choose the correct balance of carbs, proteins and fats for you. I tend to be very sensitive to carbs, so I keep them lower and choose the helpful ones. It has made a big difference for my weight loss. Everyone is different. But it is true, we need carbs in our diet, just the helper carbs! Good Luck to you and find your positive carb ratio🤗😁
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    unless you are diabetic or have another health issue that requires a low carb diet, there is nothing wrong with carbs. it is a macro and calorie, like any other food.

    carb heavy foods tend to be higher in calories per serving, so many opt to help reduce their calorie intake by reducing carbs. i lost 130 pounds and never reduced carbs, other than perhaps skipping on desert more than i used to ;)

    the thing to remember with any weight loss method - is can you do it for the rest of your life and still be a pleasant person to be around? There are any number of diets and fad diets that yes, will result in weight loss. However, once that weight is lost, people tend to go back to how they USED to eat. and gain the weight BACK. So ... if you can live a low carb diet FOREVER, then go for it. If however, you want to enjoy life and food, learn how and how much to eat, learn your calorie goals for weight loss and maintenance, and how to eat that way for successful weight loss and maintenance.